
Friday, March 1, 2013

Play a Game with Time

I recently came across many tasks that needed to be done at home but on my day off all I wanted was my personal time to do whatever.I decided to play a game. I gave myself a time limit to each task that needed to be done that would challenge me to get each one done as fast as I can. I started with 5 min on my kitchen timer to clean the kitchen. I failed by 5 sec. It was so much fun I gave myself another 5 min for the living room. I won with time to spare. What I realized is once I had a game to win cleaning became fun because I wanted to beat that timer! I also recognized with a time limit my brain naturally worked more efficient. However I had to stay true to the rules of game. I couldn't add time. Once the timer was up I had to move on. I ended up getting everything complete in under 1 hour and because I was just playing a game it was fun! I got more done in a more efficient manner by playing a game with time than I usually do on any given day.. I had 23 more hours in the day to do or create whatever I wanted! I am really enjoying how much extra time I seem to have after completing my to do list and amazed at how much I can get done in just 5 min. I challenge you to take this on for yourself and share with me your experience. Now go time is ticking! :)

Here are the rules of my game...
1. make a list of each task that needs to be done (give yourself a time limit for this too)
2. set a time limit next to each task and stay true to it
3. do each task as set, if there are minutes remaining go back to a task that you may have needed more time on
4. have fun!!!!!

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