
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Loving Your Lady Parts

I absolutely loved this TEDx talk! Partly because I can relate. In my early twenties I was diagnosed with endometriosis ( and ovarian cysts in which are both very painful. Not only did it hurt my body but made me feel broken as a woman. The worse I felt in that area the worse my life seemed to get. Through out the years I now see how common these problems are along with many other diagnosis  within woman of all ages and it seems to be happening younger and younger. It has been recorded that 20 million woman in the United States currently suffer from endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS among many others. In 2009 1.42 billion dollars was spent on infertility treatments.
 Since my diagnosis I have had surgery to remove it and for many years they told me to just stay on birth control to prevent it all. However I don't feel 100% comfortable taking hormones or medication all the time. I don't think it's healthy especially with long term effects.
 Our bodies are mean machines that work perfectly on their own if we just take care of them. So I started to learn more about healing foods. I cut caffeine which promoted the growth of these things and increased foods with live enzymes and and exercise. Surprisingly this worked! Fascinated I wanted to learn more and take it even further. I recently found this TEDx talk with Alisa Vitti (Holistic Health Counselor, American Association of Drugless Practitioners) founder of  FLO Living Center LLC in Manhattan. She talks about women's bodies, how they operate and how we can work with them to heal and strengthen as well as increase our productivity in our daily lives by connecting ourselves to our natural system. Genius! In my opinion every woman and girl should have this information at their finger tips.Can you imagine a world of healthy connected women and what that could look like?! I find this so inspiring... Enjoy!

 "Love your lady parts, transform your life and change the world." ~Alisa Vitti


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