
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lose Weight and Live the Life You Love

Would you like to know a fast and simple way to shed off a lot of the weight your carrying?

De-clutter your space!

I do this fairly regularly and it never surprises me how much room I have for new things and new opportunities once I have de-cluttered my space. Not only do I feel lighter and more free but opportunities always seem to come knocking when I let go of the old. The things we hold on to carry the energy. We have a subconscious connection to the way they make us feel, there for every time we see them it ties us to that energy.

Last year I had a beautiful apartment in the center of Hollywood. I had a great view of the Hollywood sign and Capitol Records from my living room. I had hard wood floors, my own personal built in vanity, a large kitchen and a tub with a window that overlooked the city. It was tiny but it was mine. I was so proud to tell everyone where I lived and show it off. It made me look so good, like I had made it. At least that's how I felt. I filled it up with Buddha statues, bamboo plants, Tibetan art work, vintage burlesque posters and pin up icons. It was zen meets old Hollywood. Just like me! At least that's what I was creating.

One night I came home from a party and I looked around and realized none of this was me. Can you really identify yourself with belongings anyway? It was all a false image I was trying to portray to myself and those around me. I was so angry in that moment.  "I'm not enlightened" I thought and "what the hell does burlesque have anything to do with it?" I tore it all down that night. It was then I realized everything I surrounded myself with was something I attained to be or something I clung onto from the past. I made the choice to get rid of all of it a start fresh.

I asked for the support of my closest friends because I knew this wasn't going to be an easy task. As I was putting things in boxes I started to feel a lot of anxiety and fear. "Maybe I could just keep this Buddha?" I asked. In that very moment my friend reminded me Buddha taught lessons of unattachment and being attached to a Buddha statue is quite contradictory. I laughed and put the Buddha in the box. Interesting enough an hour later my friend asked me, "Whats in that box?" I couldn't remember! In that moment it became very clear... If I couldn't even remember what was in the box I definitely didn't need it. Surprisingly I started to feel more free and more secure in myself than I had ever felt before.

I found the hardest items for me to get rid of were the beautiful items I attained from my previous relationship. We had a house together and when we split I kept most of the decorative pieces. Him and I were on great terms and it was a very peaceful break up so I didn't have anger or sadness tied to these belongings. Honestly I didn't think anything of it. They were just pretty and I wanted my home to be beautiful but of course they held the energy of my past relationship subconsciously. No wonder meeting the love of my life seemed hopeless. My home was still the home of me and my former boyfriend. I wonder what would happen if I let these items go? I packed them away.
I had several framed pictures of Marilyn Monroe. I idolized her beauty and fame. But she also symbolized fame with no love and feelings of lonesomeness and depression. I often felt alone and sad in that home even if it was beautiful. These are just a few examples but getting rid of them created such a space within myself and I felt strength I didn't know I had.

I sold and donated every thing I owned except for 2 suitcases of clothes and a box of memorabilia within 2 weeks of my lease ending. Although I felt free of anything from my past holding me and filled with possibility my friends and family were worried as to what I was going to do next. I had to stay strong and not get caught up in that fear. I was perfectly content with couch surfing for a couple months and figuring it out. Just then I got a gig singing that took me to Russia in which I asked for a one way ticket to Rome instead of coming back to Los Angeles, after all I had no where to be or the weight of belongings holding me down.

I had dreams of traveling, meeting the love of my life and performing full time in a show. I have it all now and it started with de-cluttering and clearing out my space. Although I know getting rid of everything may not be suitable for everyone there is always something you can let go of to create space for something else. Take a look at your belongings. What do they remind you of or symbolize for you? Do they align with what you really want in your life? Are they creating your world authentically?

Have fun and shed those pounds and create the life you love!

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