
Monday, March 4, 2013

Create Your Life... Set Your Goals!

Goal setting is a big part of my everyday life and one of my passions is helping others organize theirs. It's the way I have achieved more than I thought was possible. I used to work at Lululemon Athletica where a healthy, goal oriented lifestyle was a must. I feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to work there being surrounded by such positive goal oriented people. I had the honor of being head of goal boards while working there, which meant I was in charge of making sure everyone created their ten year goal plans (while helping goal coach them) and create a vision board for their goals. This is an amazing tool because it has you get really specific when creating your life's vision and putting it in writing and pictures. These boards in my opinion are magic!!

Before you can start your vision board you must create your goals. This is the fun part but it can be challenging because you want to be specific down to the date of completion for each goal. I absolutely adore Lululemon's goal worksheet because it breaks it down into 3 categories for 1 year, 5 year and 10 year goals along with a "by when"... so I am including a link to the PDF for you to have.

While creating your goals... think BIG!!! If it seems out of reach, great! Wright it down! If you can dream it, you can make it happen. A year and a half ago I was working at Lululemon and studying to become a yoga instructor (which was on my goal board) and in my 5 year plan I wrote travel all of Europe by 2016. Since then I have been to Russia and most of Italy. I also wrote meet the love of my life by Oct 2012. Guess what?! I met him in Italy last Oct!! If you hit 50% of your goals your on the right track but it's harder to hit them if you don't create them or declare them. They don't exist in reality until you share them.

Remember you can always re-create your goals. Make it fun! Life is a canvas and you are the artist...

My fiance and I are creating our goals and a vision board together this week.Will you join us?!

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