
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Live Like You're Dying

Today is the spring solstice which is the time for re-birth. So why do I want to talk about living like you were dying? Because, it's the perfect time to re-birth ourselves just as nature does. Even though death can be a touchy subject for some people (including myself) I feel it's an important subject to discuss in order to live the life you were born for and the life that you dream of! If you're already living that life take a moment to be grateful and look to see what else you can offer and receive. If you're not, now is the time. 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared of dying because I am. However it is that force that has driven me from a very young age to never miss out on an opportunity or to be truly in touch with myself in what I want in life. I've even had moments of appreciation for the hardest times because I know I'm alive. It's what allows me to play life as a game because it will all be over one day. Whether you believe in an after life or not this life will be over one day and your legacy is what will be left behind to live on in others.

I bring this point up today not to depress you or bring you down rather to wake you up, lift you up and make you think about what you would do if you knew how much time you had left because who you are and what you have to offer matters.

What will be the legacy you leave?

My legacy is to inspire and empower others to live a life full of love and passion through music, creative expression, communication and relationships.

Here is a 10 min talk from TEDx by Shantel McBride sharing her story and mission on this subject. I found it inspiring for the fact it just makes you think about what is truly important to you.

"The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn't take"-unknown

Now get out there and get livin!!! Happy Spring!

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