
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Be the change you want to see - Ghandi

Recently things became very clear while in an aurgument with a loved one that everything starts with ones self, with who I am being and the actions I take with those around me.

My biggest dreams all have the same common underlying goal behind them whether its performing on the stage, traveling the world or having a family I just want to share what's in my heart and hope that I can touch someone's life. My goal is to inspire others to fulfill their dreams as I fulfill my own and spread love around me. 

Now I can preach all day long but it's the practicing of what I preach that matters. I find the most challenging people to practice with are the ones I love the most. If I want compassion, I must be compassionate. If I want to be understood, I must listen. If I want to feel supported I must be there for others.

This seems like a simple enough task but I realize it takes a certain amount of vulnerability and lets face it this can be an uncomfortable task as it requires you to reveal yourself. I know I can be pretty stubborn sometimes and being vulnerable is the last thing I want to do, it can seem threatening even. Interesting enough to share what's in my heart to fulfill my dreams this requires me to be vulnerable and being ok in my own skin. It's a practice I have to take on daily. Sometimes I do well and sometimes I fail completly. Having myself practice with the people I love the most is the most challenging at yet the most rewarding. I'm learning to forgive myself when I feel I have failed at this possibility or when my tongue slips and I feel blessed to have those in my life that love me even when I'm not on my best behavior.

Practicing compassion and love starts with one's self. Love yourself. Have compssion for yourself. It's easy to spread when you can do this. Think about when you were filled with love and happiness how easy it was to share it with everyone as you went about your day. This goes both ways. Everything we do and say has a ripple effect.

When is the last time you did or said something that you regret because of the effect it had on someone else? How did you handle it? Have you cleaned it up to start new? Did you show yourself compassion or are you still beating yourself up?

The beautiful thing about life (as long as we are here) we have the opportunity to create and learn in every moment. I encourage you to answer these questions and complete anything that isn't complete within yourself.

(My favorite quote)
Be the change you want to see -Ghandi

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