
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

30 Flirty and Thriving

Today I am 30 years old! To be honest when I was 13 I couldn't even see 25 and here I am at the turn of a new decade.Time fly's when your having fun!

I woke up to the love of my life holding me in his arms this morning which is such a blessing since he lives 4500 miles away in Italy. He told me to stay where I was as he made me coffee and breakfast to have in bed. After finishing a delicious breakfast he presented me a USB drive. I inserted it into my computer and pushed play on the file saved for me. It was a beautiful slide show with pictures of us and our song playing. As I was brought to tears he presented me with another gift perfectly wrapped in pink paper and a blue bow. I unwrapped it to reveal a small Statue of David (one of the most exquisite masterpieces of all time) David also holds a very dear place in our hearts because he proposed to me at the Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence. As if this wasn't enough, he presented me a purple bag with a small purple box. I opened it to find a stunning and delicate bracelet. What an fantastic way to wake up as a start of a new decade.

Birthdays have always been my favorite holiday. It is the day we get to celebrate another year of life for ourselves and the ones we love. Plus I figure if your not celebrating that your not celebrating anything!

I love the birthday tradition of making a wish as you blow out your birthday candles. I have always taken them very seriously because I'm a firm believer whatever you wish will come true in some form or another. Yes, I still believe in magic!

What I specifically love about turning 30 is I can clearly see a shift. It's as if my higher consciousness is watching this woman Angela grow and I find it fascinating when I step back and see it. This is a form of woman hood I have yet to experience.

I am currently engaged to be married and talking about motherhood. I see and crave the beauty in those things that I never craved for in my twenties. Of course meeting the love of your life will do that to any woman no matter what her age but it's happening to me now and I feel blessed. It's as if I have a completely fresh start! My biological clock is also happening to me now. I find it highly entertaining actually since I am not exactly ready to have children but my body doesn't care.

My metabolism is not slow but it's not as fast. My hips have widened even more, my face has lost its baby fat and I have very fine lines by my eyes and smile. I know a lot of woman that may look at me and say oh stop it you look great as if what I'm saying is a negative thing. Quite the contrary... I think its beautiful and natural. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to speed up the process of aging. Of course I want to retain my youth and feel beautiful. I just think acknowledging where we are is part of the beauty.

Not only do I see slight changes in my physicality but I can acknowledge the strength and character I have found within myself. The ages 27-30 was a giant growth period. They say it's when a person's 1st Saturn return hits ( which is when you shed your childhood. I think there is some truth to this as I wrap mine up. I've really learned more about myself over the last few years than any other noted time in my life. It's these last few years of experiences and lessons that have me feeling ready to take on this next chapter of my life, like being a wife, a mother, a career woman and world traveler.

One of the most fascinating things about aging.. My consciousness has never aged. It has been the same my whole life. It watches and guides me when I listen and it forever laughs. It's funny how the body gets older and there is definitely wisdom that comes along with experience but I still feel like a kid. Will that ever go away? Not sure, but I hope not :)

I say bring it 30's! I feel more vibrant, sexy, energetic and alive than ever and I am so excited for what is next and so grateful for this life!

Happy Birthday Pisces!

                                                                 Love this movie...

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