
Monday, March 25, 2013

Spending Time Alone

I like to think of myself as a pretty social person but when I think about the majority of the time I spend it's alone and I seem to be quite good at it. Most of the time I believe it's not by choice and because of this I suffer. But in the moments I surrender they are the sweetest moments.

Last year I was going through a transition. I found myself not wanting to be around people and locking myself away, listening to John Mayer and writing songs on my ukulele. I was looking for inspiration and direction as I new that chapter of my life was coming to an end. I felt scared, confused and lonely. I started to hone my craft and read a lot. After a couple months of this I never could have imagined I would get a gig in Moscow that would change my life forever but that's what happened and I was ready for it. Because of my time alone, I learned so much about myself. I felt strong in  where I stood and open to change because I was ready to let go of everything. The endless day dreaming and thinking allowed me to create a life I was excited about. It was in the challenging moments of sitting still and being alone I started to find myself  and open up to be prepared for opportunities I couldn't foresee. I now look back on that particular summer when I struggled with being alone and with my thoughts and feel such an appreciation for the lessons that I learned and the trades that I learned that prepared me for what was next. I now can see clearly that it was necessary and all the puzzle pieces of confusion and frustration fit together. The strength I found in myself allowed me to follow my dream of backpacking alone and who knew that the love for John Mayer's music would be the piece that had me and my fiance connect.

Funny now I find myself in a similar situation as last year in the sense of being alone. I don't have a car and live in an area that is not pedestrian or public transportation friendly. I'm still trying to make friends so I spend many days alone with no where to go. I only work 4 hours a night and have more than enough time than I know what to do with. Now I am very aware life is what you create it to be and we are never a victim of our circumstances and yet I am challenged in this notion. It's easier being a victim of it than having to put myself out there and ask for help. During this time I have had many days where I sit alone and watch TV wishing I were in Italy with my fiance. Wondering what the hell I am doing here and I have to remind myself of how hard I worked to get into the show that I am currently in and that my fiance is my biggest support system. I got tired of feeling sorry for myself so I said "ok Ang, you have a lot of extra time on your hands and no car, so what?! Maybe, just maybe this extra time is a blessing not a curse."

I started studying Italian, playing my ukulele and practicing yoga all within my beautiful apartment. I started cooking meals for myself and learned how to enjoy them in silence with candle light or on my patio outside. I started learning how to garden so that I can grow my own herbs and vegetables to cook with. I started calling my family more. I started walking to work to get fresh air. I don't know how the puzzle pieces are all going to fit together but if I've learned anything from my past is that they always do! In the moment I surrendered to the situation I could see endless possibilities and was able to see this extra time alone as a blessing. It's a beautiful time to learn and create!

I encourage everyone to spend time alone whether its by choice or by circumstance. Take advantage of it and grow! If you're someone that feels you never have time alone look to see how you can create it regularly and see how it transforms your busy life.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Turn Out the Lights & Light Candles

Some dear friends of mine started an experiment for saving energy several months ago that formed a lifestyle of togetherness and coziness in the evenings with family. They're story is so unique and inspiring they made the news! It's amazing how people can make such a difference with sharing. I was so inspired by them I have been using candles instead of lights as well.

See why... (follow the link below)

 Change begins with one, in this case a family.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Live Like You're Dying

Today is the spring solstice which is the time for re-birth. So why do I want to talk about living like you were dying? Because, it's the perfect time to re-birth ourselves just as nature does. Even though death can be a touchy subject for some people (including myself) I feel it's an important subject to discuss in order to live the life you were born for and the life that you dream of! If you're already living that life take a moment to be grateful and look to see what else you can offer and receive. If you're not, now is the time. 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared of dying because I am. However it is that force that has driven me from a very young age to never miss out on an opportunity or to be truly in touch with myself in what I want in life. I've even had moments of appreciation for the hardest times because I know I'm alive. It's what allows me to play life as a game because it will all be over one day. Whether you believe in an after life or not this life will be over one day and your legacy is what will be left behind to live on in others.

I bring this point up today not to depress you or bring you down rather to wake you up, lift you up and make you think about what you would do if you knew how much time you had left because who you are and what you have to offer matters.

What will be the legacy you leave?

My legacy is to inspire and empower others to live a life full of love and passion through music, creative expression, communication and relationships.

Here is a 10 min talk from TEDx by Shantel McBride sharing her story and mission on this subject. I found it inspiring for the fact it just makes you think about what is truly important to you.

"The only thing you live to regret are the risks you didn't take"-unknown

Now get out there and get livin!!! Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Be a Team Player

I made an early posting called Play a Game With Time ( that talks about having fun with managing your time. I have a lot of fun with this game and encourage everyone around me to play. I'm even playing it right now! Well, long story short.. My fiance came into town to visit me (he lives in Italy, this is a story for another day) and we played the "time game" all the time. We would team up to tackle things together like daily chores, grocery shopping ect.

The first time we played we desperately needed to clean the house. My mother and baby brother were coming to visit the next day and of course I wanted it perfect! We declared we would clean the whole house in 20 min. This seemed like a challenging yet doable task so we set the timer. He started in the kitchen as I worked my way around the living room. As I was running frantically picking things up and straitening the living room I noticed him washing the dishes by hand. We have a dish washer so the fastest way to do the dishes would be to use it. "Just load the washer!", I yelled from the next room. The time was ticking and I noticed myself getting frustrated as he continued to wash them all by hand. "It will only be a couple more minutes", he declared calmly. He seemed to think we had plenty of time and I couldnt help but freak out that we were going to lose this game. We had 12 minutes on the clock by the time he joined me. He started making the bed as I organized the mess of laundry in our closet. I wasn't slowing down and it seemed to me he wasn't speeding up. By the time the buzzer went off I was frustrated and out of breath and he was confused as to why. All I could think is we lost because he wasn't playing on my team. Through conversation we realized we just werent playing the same game.

Let me explain...
By washing the dishes by hand he was trying to save energy, "notable but that's a different game" I said. We were going for speed. When he looked around the house when the buzzer went off the house looked clean so he didn't understand. He was right, it was straightened up but to me it wasn't clean. "We have to dust, sweep, vacuum, wipe down the bathrooms and take out the trash still", I exclaimed. He looked at me with shock. "I didn't know all that", he said.. By this time we were laughing out loud at my neurotic "must win" attitude and the realization we didn't set the game properly before we started to play. All we said was clean the whole house in 20 min. We should have made a list of what to do and probably given ourselves a bit more time, then we would have been playing the same game. I guess we were just eager :)

After our realization we chose to start a new game. After all, it's just a game. We evaluated our "to do" list and set a new time as we designated who does what. This time we both ran frantically laughing  and doing our chores. I'm proud to say we won!

We do this often and always have fun (even when we lose) You should have seen us at the grocery store! :)

The moral of the story.. Working as a team is fun! Not only does it double your time management but it can enrich your relationship...(Ti amo amore mio!)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Clean Green!

As the winter starts to rest and the sun starts spreading her warmth we have a natural instinct to start fresh just as the plants and animals that surround us. We do this by spring cleaning. That's right, tis the season for spring cleanin!! I love this time of year because its the perfect time to put new ideas into play as we let go of the old and the reflections of the past from winter and clean clean clean!

Most cleaning products are made with harsh chemicals that are horrible for us to breathe not to mention any children or animals in the home with their tiny little lungs. Yes, products such as bleach do disinfect really well but you can buy and even make cleaning products that are better for your health and your wallet.

Here are some clean green ideas as you take on your spring cleaning chores!

How to make your own cleaning products from household items

Things to have on hand
Baking soda
Washing soda
White distilled vinegar
A good liquid soap or detergent
Tea tree oil
Clean spray bottles
Glass jars

How to make the must have all purpose cleaner
1/2 teaspoon washing soda
A dab of liquid soap
2 cups hot tap water
Combine ingredients in a spray bottle and shake until the washing soda has dissolved.

How to make a furniture polish
1/2 teaspoon oil, such as olive
1/4 cup vinegar or fresh lemon juice
Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Cover the glass jar and store. You can use this anytime.

How to make a window cleaner 
1/4-1/2 teaspoon liquid detergent
3 tablespoons vinegar
 2 cups water
Spray bottle
Put all the ingredients into a spray bottle and shake it up. The soap in this recipe is important because it cuts the wax residue from the commercial brands you might have used in the past.

Cleaning rags
For dusting and polishing cut up old T-shirts and use them to clean with that way they are reusable and gentle. 

I found a great website with lots of great green ideas check it out for more...

My favorite cleaner is vinegar, it's a natural disinfectant and the smell disappears as it drys. For most surfaces and areas to clean you can mix equal parts vinegar and water together in a spray bottle and go to town. For a surfaces like the toilet try using just vinegar to get the rings off around the toilet. Beware of using this mixture on some surfaces such as marble and make sure when cleaning grout your vinegar is properly diluted with half water half vinegar since the acid in vinegar can eat away at it. For other cleaning mixtures try adding lemon juice and baking soda!

Clean Green and have fun! I know I will!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Power of One

I know you have heard that one person has the power to change the world before... But do you believe it?

This is one woman's extraordinary story on how she has impacted the world. She is truly an inspiration and she did it out of the kindness of her heart. She never could imagined the changes she would see today but they happened!

Take a moment to listen to her incredible story on how she transformed the medical field by donating one of her kidneys to a young boy she never met. Spoken like a true queen, I admire her courage, her kindness and demure.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Love Notes..Just Because

I don't know about you but I get tired of checking the mail to receive junk mail and bills. How often do you receive a hand written letter or homemade card from someone you love? My guess is probably not so often and doesn't it make you feel good when or if you do? My cousin never fails to send a card when a big moment in my life happens filled with inspiring quotes and yet I never expect them and they always fill me up with love.

I recently moved to a new location for work where I am hundreds even thousands of miles away from everyone I love and found myself missing my friends and family very much. Of course this is natural but I wanted them to know how much I appreciate them and love them. Valentines Day rolled around and I thought "what a perfect time to create something for them" I ran out and purchased scrap booking paper and stickers and started making homemade Valentine's Day cards. I had so much fun creating them each individually for the people I love not to mention it was quite relaxing as I settled in to my new apartment. After completing them and sending them out I felt so good knowing they would receive something in the mail made with love (no, this is not a completely selfless act lol)
Then, I thought "Why does it have to be Valentine's Day to send love notes in the mail?!"

At this point there is no method to my madness I just enjoy creating and sending love notes randomly to those in my life and hope that they get them at just the right time they could use one.

Who will it be next?? ;) 

Of course there are many creative ways to express your love and appreciation for those in your life and this is just one but I hope that it inpires something in you to spread the love.


Monday, March 11, 2013

This One's for the Girls

(Remember this one?)

I came across this song the other day after not hearing it for years! I forgot how much I love this song...

The lyrics follow every stage of life that a girl/woman goes through in such a fun and heartfelt way that connects us all. So inspiring! So good!!

Love Love Love
This One's for the Girls by Martina McBride

 (with the lyrics)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Women Who Paved the Way

Did you know that March is women's history month? What a fantastic time to reflect and appreciate the women who have helped pave the way for all of us today as our winter comes to an end.

I found this amazing website designed to teach us the names and accomplishments of so many extraordinary women that accomplished extraordinary things, especially for the time that they lived in. Such bravery and strength in character!

Women in ancient times were worshipped for the amaizng gifts they bring to the world as they birth and raise the next generation, for their intuitive and nurturing nature, teaching abilities, beauty and strength ect... Thousands of years ago the suppression began and women have had to overcome some pretty challenging times. These are just a few (in US history) in comparison of thousands of names we don't know. I encourage you take a moment to learn and honor these brave and remarkable women.

How are you going to help shift the next generation?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Be the change you want to see - Ghandi

Recently things became very clear while in an aurgument with a loved one that everything starts with ones self, with who I am being and the actions I take with those around me.

My biggest dreams all have the same common underlying goal behind them whether its performing on the stage, traveling the world or having a family I just want to share what's in my heart and hope that I can touch someone's life. My goal is to inspire others to fulfill their dreams as I fulfill my own and spread love around me. 

Now I can preach all day long but it's the practicing of what I preach that matters. I find the most challenging people to practice with are the ones I love the most. If I want compassion, I must be compassionate. If I want to be understood, I must listen. If I want to feel supported I must be there for others.

This seems like a simple enough task but I realize it takes a certain amount of vulnerability and lets face it this can be an uncomfortable task as it requires you to reveal yourself. I know I can be pretty stubborn sometimes and being vulnerable is the last thing I want to do, it can seem threatening even. Interesting enough to share what's in my heart to fulfill my dreams this requires me to be vulnerable and being ok in my own skin. It's a practice I have to take on daily. Sometimes I do well and sometimes I fail completly. Having myself practice with the people I love the most is the most challenging at yet the most rewarding. I'm learning to forgive myself when I feel I have failed at this possibility or when my tongue slips and I feel blessed to have those in my life that love me even when I'm not on my best behavior.

Practicing compassion and love starts with one's self. Love yourself. Have compssion for yourself. It's easy to spread when you can do this. Think about when you were filled with love and happiness how easy it was to share it with everyone as you went about your day. This goes both ways. Everything we do and say has a ripple effect.

When is the last time you did or said something that you regret because of the effect it had on someone else? How did you handle it? Have you cleaned it up to start new? Did you show yourself compassion or are you still beating yourself up?

The beautiful thing about life (as long as we are here) we have the opportunity to create and learn in every moment. I encourage you to answer these questions and complete anything that isn't complete within yourself.

(My favorite quote)
Be the change you want to see -Ghandi

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How to De-clutter Your Space

A lot of people ask me what are the steps I take when de-cluttering so I figured what better place to share than here :)

When I'm not in a breakdown purging moment in my life and I just want to de-clutter a space to feel fresh these are the steps I take...

1. Evaluate your space... What do you need?What do your belongings remind you of or symbolize for you? Do they align with what you really want in your life? Are they creating your world authentically? Do they have a function? Do you use them?

2. make a list in each room of what needs to be done (count your closets as a room)

3. ask a friend you trust to help you. Sometimes letting go of belongings can be hard even when you know you don't need them. having that extra support really helps.

4.get cardboard boxes to put your stuff in (label them as donate, sell and garbage)
you can find boxes at your local grocery store or department store in the mornings. Ask a manager if you can pick up empty boxes when they get a shipment. This saves you money from buying them)

5. find your closest donation store of your choice and drop off your boxes. These can be a wright off in your taxes if you like. 

6. for the things you are selling you can post them on If you have clothes, shoes and accessories that you think are in great condition you can sell them at re-sale stores. I personally like

7. enjoy and breathe....

I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how good this will make you feel and how much easier it becomes as you practice.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

30 Flirty and Thriving

Today I am 30 years old! To be honest when I was 13 I couldn't even see 25 and here I am at the turn of a new decade.Time fly's when your having fun!

I woke up to the love of my life holding me in his arms this morning which is such a blessing since he lives 4500 miles away in Italy. He told me to stay where I was as he made me coffee and breakfast to have in bed. After finishing a delicious breakfast he presented me a USB drive. I inserted it into my computer and pushed play on the file saved for me. It was a beautiful slide show with pictures of us and our song playing. As I was brought to tears he presented me with another gift perfectly wrapped in pink paper and a blue bow. I unwrapped it to reveal a small Statue of David (one of the most exquisite masterpieces of all time) David also holds a very dear place in our hearts because he proposed to me at the Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence. As if this wasn't enough, he presented me a purple bag with a small purple box. I opened it to find a stunning and delicate bracelet. What an fantastic way to wake up as a start of a new decade.

Birthdays have always been my favorite holiday. It is the day we get to celebrate another year of life for ourselves and the ones we love. Plus I figure if your not celebrating that your not celebrating anything!

I love the birthday tradition of making a wish as you blow out your birthday candles. I have always taken them very seriously because I'm a firm believer whatever you wish will come true in some form or another. Yes, I still believe in magic!

What I specifically love about turning 30 is I can clearly see a shift. It's as if my higher consciousness is watching this woman Angela grow and I find it fascinating when I step back and see it. This is a form of woman hood I have yet to experience.

I am currently engaged to be married and talking about motherhood. I see and crave the beauty in those things that I never craved for in my twenties. Of course meeting the love of your life will do that to any woman no matter what her age but it's happening to me now and I feel blessed. It's as if I have a completely fresh start! My biological clock is also happening to me now. I find it highly entertaining actually since I am not exactly ready to have children but my body doesn't care.

My metabolism is not slow but it's not as fast. My hips have widened even more, my face has lost its baby fat and I have very fine lines by my eyes and smile. I know a lot of woman that may look at me and say oh stop it you look great as if what I'm saying is a negative thing. Quite the contrary... I think its beautiful and natural. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to speed up the process of aging. Of course I want to retain my youth and feel beautiful. I just think acknowledging where we are is part of the beauty.

Not only do I see slight changes in my physicality but I can acknowledge the strength and character I have found within myself. The ages 27-30 was a giant growth period. They say it's when a person's 1st Saturn return hits ( which is when you shed your childhood. I think there is some truth to this as I wrap mine up. I've really learned more about myself over the last few years than any other noted time in my life. It's these last few years of experiences and lessons that have me feeling ready to take on this next chapter of my life, like being a wife, a mother, a career woman and world traveler.

One of the most fascinating things about aging.. My consciousness has never aged. It has been the same my whole life. It watches and guides me when I listen and it forever laughs. It's funny how the body gets older and there is definitely wisdom that comes along with experience but I still feel like a kid. Will that ever go away? Not sure, but I hope not :)

I say bring it 30's! I feel more vibrant, sexy, energetic and alive than ever and I am so excited for what is next and so grateful for this life!

Happy Birthday Pisces!

                                                                 Love this movie...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Create Your Life... Set Your Goals!

Goal setting is a big part of my everyday life and one of my passions is helping others organize theirs. It's the way I have achieved more than I thought was possible. I used to work at Lululemon Athletica where a healthy, goal oriented lifestyle was a must. I feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to work there being surrounded by such positive goal oriented people. I had the honor of being head of goal boards while working there, which meant I was in charge of making sure everyone created their ten year goal plans (while helping goal coach them) and create a vision board for their goals. This is an amazing tool because it has you get really specific when creating your life's vision and putting it in writing and pictures. These boards in my opinion are magic!!

Before you can start your vision board you must create your goals. This is the fun part but it can be challenging because you want to be specific down to the date of completion for each goal. I absolutely adore Lululemon's goal worksheet because it breaks it down into 3 categories for 1 year, 5 year and 10 year goals along with a "by when"... so I am including a link to the PDF for you to have.

While creating your goals... think BIG!!! If it seems out of reach, great! Wright it down! If you can dream it, you can make it happen. A year and a half ago I was working at Lululemon and studying to become a yoga instructor (which was on my goal board) and in my 5 year plan I wrote travel all of Europe by 2016. Since then I have been to Russia and most of Italy. I also wrote meet the love of my life by Oct 2012. Guess what?! I met him in Italy last Oct!! If you hit 50% of your goals your on the right track but it's harder to hit them if you don't create them or declare them. They don't exist in reality until you share them.

Remember you can always re-create your goals. Make it fun! Life is a canvas and you are the artist...

My fiance and I are creating our goals and a vision board together this week.Will you join us?!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Loving Your Lady Parts

I absolutely loved this TEDx talk! Partly because I can relate. In my early twenties I was diagnosed with endometriosis ( and ovarian cysts in which are both very painful. Not only did it hurt my body but made me feel broken as a woman. The worse I felt in that area the worse my life seemed to get. Through out the years I now see how common these problems are along with many other diagnosis  within woman of all ages and it seems to be happening younger and younger. It has been recorded that 20 million woman in the United States currently suffer from endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS among many others. In 2009 1.42 billion dollars was spent on infertility treatments.
 Since my diagnosis I have had surgery to remove it and for many years they told me to just stay on birth control to prevent it all. However I don't feel 100% comfortable taking hormones or medication all the time. I don't think it's healthy especially with long term effects.
 Our bodies are mean machines that work perfectly on their own if we just take care of them. So I started to learn more about healing foods. I cut caffeine which promoted the growth of these things and increased foods with live enzymes and and exercise. Surprisingly this worked! Fascinated I wanted to learn more and take it even further. I recently found this TEDx talk with Alisa Vitti (Holistic Health Counselor, American Association of Drugless Practitioners) founder of  FLO Living Center LLC in Manhattan. She talks about women's bodies, how they operate and how we can work with them to heal and strengthen as well as increase our productivity in our daily lives by connecting ourselves to our natural system. Genius! In my opinion every woman and girl should have this information at their finger tips.Can you imagine a world of healthy connected women and what that could look like?! I find this so inspiring... Enjoy!

 "Love your lady parts, transform your life and change the world." ~Alisa Vitti


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lose Weight and Live the Life You Love

Would you like to know a fast and simple way to shed off a lot of the weight your carrying?

De-clutter your space!

I do this fairly regularly and it never surprises me how much room I have for new things and new opportunities once I have de-cluttered my space. Not only do I feel lighter and more free but opportunities always seem to come knocking when I let go of the old. The things we hold on to carry the energy. We have a subconscious connection to the way they make us feel, there for every time we see them it ties us to that energy.

Last year I had a beautiful apartment in the center of Hollywood. I had a great view of the Hollywood sign and Capitol Records from my living room. I had hard wood floors, my own personal built in vanity, a large kitchen and a tub with a window that overlooked the city. It was tiny but it was mine. I was so proud to tell everyone where I lived and show it off. It made me look so good, like I had made it. At least that's how I felt. I filled it up with Buddha statues, bamboo plants, Tibetan art work, vintage burlesque posters and pin up icons. It was zen meets old Hollywood. Just like me! At least that's what I was creating.

One night I came home from a party and I looked around and realized none of this was me. Can you really identify yourself with belongings anyway? It was all a false image I was trying to portray to myself and those around me. I was so angry in that moment.  "I'm not enlightened" I thought and "what the hell does burlesque have anything to do with it?" I tore it all down that night. It was then I realized everything I surrounded myself with was something I attained to be or something I clung onto from the past. I made the choice to get rid of all of it a start fresh.

I asked for the support of my closest friends because I knew this wasn't going to be an easy task. As I was putting things in boxes I started to feel a lot of anxiety and fear. "Maybe I could just keep this Buddha?" I asked. In that very moment my friend reminded me Buddha taught lessons of unattachment and being attached to a Buddha statue is quite contradictory. I laughed and put the Buddha in the box. Interesting enough an hour later my friend asked me, "Whats in that box?" I couldn't remember! In that moment it became very clear... If I couldn't even remember what was in the box I definitely didn't need it. Surprisingly I started to feel more free and more secure in myself than I had ever felt before.

I found the hardest items for me to get rid of were the beautiful items I attained from my previous relationship. We had a house together and when we split I kept most of the decorative pieces. Him and I were on great terms and it was a very peaceful break up so I didn't have anger or sadness tied to these belongings. Honestly I didn't think anything of it. They were just pretty and I wanted my home to be beautiful but of course they held the energy of my past relationship subconsciously. No wonder meeting the love of my life seemed hopeless. My home was still the home of me and my former boyfriend. I wonder what would happen if I let these items go? I packed them away.
I had several framed pictures of Marilyn Monroe. I idolized her beauty and fame. But she also symbolized fame with no love and feelings of lonesomeness and depression. I often felt alone and sad in that home even if it was beautiful. These are just a few examples but getting rid of them created such a space within myself and I felt strength I didn't know I had.

I sold and donated every thing I owned except for 2 suitcases of clothes and a box of memorabilia within 2 weeks of my lease ending. Although I felt free of anything from my past holding me and filled with possibility my friends and family were worried as to what I was going to do next. I had to stay strong and not get caught up in that fear. I was perfectly content with couch surfing for a couple months and figuring it out. Just then I got a gig singing that took me to Russia in which I asked for a one way ticket to Rome instead of coming back to Los Angeles, after all I had no where to be or the weight of belongings holding me down.

I had dreams of traveling, meeting the love of my life and performing full time in a show. I have it all now and it started with de-cluttering and clearing out my space. Although I know getting rid of everything may not be suitable for everyone there is always something you can let go of to create space for something else. Take a look at your belongings. What do they remind you of or symbolize for you? Do they align with what you really want in your life? Are they creating your world authentically?

Have fun and shed those pounds and create the life you love!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Play a Game with Time

I recently came across many tasks that needed to be done at home but on my day off all I wanted was my personal time to do whatever.I decided to play a game. I gave myself a time limit to each task that needed to be done that would challenge me to get each one done as fast as I can. I started with 5 min on my kitchen timer to clean the kitchen. I failed by 5 sec. It was so much fun I gave myself another 5 min for the living room. I won with time to spare. What I realized is once I had a game to win cleaning became fun because I wanted to beat that timer! I also recognized with a time limit my brain naturally worked more efficient. However I had to stay true to the rules of game. I couldn't add time. Once the timer was up I had to move on. I ended up getting everything complete in under 1 hour and because I was just playing a game it was fun! I got more done in a more efficient manner by playing a game with time than I usually do on any given day.. I had 23 more hours in the day to do or create whatever I wanted! I am really enjoying how much extra time I seem to have after completing my to do list and amazed at how much I can get done in just 5 min. I challenge you to take this on for yourself and share with me your experience. Now go time is ticking! :)

Here are the rules of my game...
1. make a list of each task that needs to be done (give yourself a time limit for this too)
2. set a time limit next to each task and stay true to it
3. do each task as set, if there are minutes remaining go back to a task that you may have needed more time on
4. have fun!!!!!