
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Savoring Each Moment

A much needed sleep in session started my morning off. I slept until the very moment I had to leave the house. It felt good. However I could see that the state I was in yesterday could easily be repeated if I didn't give myself my "OM" time. So I quickly got a few things done and headed home.

Starving I started to make my lunch the moment I walked through the door. Tacos! Heated corn tortillas, black beans, onions, cheddar cheese, hot sauce and cilantro. Yum! I don't know about you, but I have a habit of watching TV when I eat. I also have the habit of eating fast as if it's a chore that I have to get done. As I approached the couch to turn the television on I paused as the imaginary light bulb above my head lit up and I heard my inner voice. "Savor you're meal". That's when I looked outside and ackowledged I have been graced with another beautiful fall day. I picked up my plate of scrumpteous tacos and my tall glass of water and stepped out onto my patio. I sat down and savored my meal.

What was that like you ask? Divine. I ate slowly. I could feel the soft tortilla on my lips as I bit into it. I could fully taste the burst of flavor of delicious beans and cheddar with the combination of the sweet tortilla, the tangy hot sauce and gentle bite of the sweet onion. I was hyper aware of every flavor and every texture my wonderful meal had to offer. As I took a sip of my tall glass of cold water I allowed myself to fully enjoy it's fresh simple flavor and  its cooling liquid substance. It was like my tongue was going for a dip in the pool on a hot summer day.

As I finished my lunch I took the time to reflect how this experience could carry on into the rest of my day. "Of course!" exclaimed my inner voice, "Savor each moment". I shut my eyes and felt the warm sun on my eyelids and listened to the soft chirping of the birds and insects in the trees.

I look forward to taking this intention with me to work as I continue to rehearse this afternoon and perform this evening. Savoring the moments I am learning, conversing with others, putting my makeup on and doing my hair. Savoring each moment I walk onto the stage or change a costume. Savoring my sweet husband's presence and his kiss. Today is going to be delicious.

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