
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Good Morning Sunshine

I have recently dove into my yoga philosophy studies and have been graced with the perfect teacher for me in this moment. I have been studying the yoga sutras and going deep inside myself with meditation.

At first what happens as I sit still is I struggle to just be. Be in the moment that is. My mind races to and from the past and the future. I create stories based off of my emotions or "what if" possibilities. I found myself to have a lot of stored anger which makes me uncomfortable so I start to judge myself for it. My fight or flight response has been activated and I want to get up and literally run away! Then I hear a bird in the distance... and Whoosh! I'm brought back to the present moment. There is nothing in the present moment that is threatening. I'm in a peaceful room with other yogis doing the same thing. There is no sound but the sounds of cars driving by and birds chirping in the trees. I can now smile in the moment as I realize that is all there is. Right here. Right now.The images of my memories and thoughts are not in reality.

This is a powerful realization I struggle to remember on a day to day basis as I get caught up in my feelings and judgements. I forget I have a choice in how I perceive each moment. I forget to note the blessings in my life. Meditation helps me do that but keeping the commitment to meditate each day seems to still be a struggle. Maybe because I avoid the uncomfortable feelings I have to face...

Last night I didn't sleep much as I tossed and turned feeling anxious about god knows what. At 6am I realized I was not going to fall back asleep. Then like a giddy little girl I realized I can watch the sunrise and I live a mile from the beach! I threw on my yoga pants a sweat shirt and a scarf, knotted my hair on top of my head, grabbed a towel off I went.

As I sat on the beach the tide was high and the energy was serene. The sun slowly peeked it's full round majesty above the water. There is something very magical to experience staring straight at the sun as it greets the day. I allowed myself to bath in its rays, shut my eyes and listen to the waves crash along the shore. The sound of water floating over the seashells was like a soft rain. This made me smile. I set my intention for the day to be present in each moment and love openly and freely.

Each moment I experienced had something rich for me feel, to enjoy and to learn from as long as I was present. Of course my mind wandered now and then but by allowing myself to bask in natures beauty it brought me back each time.

I was inspired today to do this each day. Meaning to find the beauty in each moment. To help me with this I will use my camera as a tool to look for it and capture it to share my daily meditations with you for the next week.

Watching the waves this beautiful morning I noticed I could observe the ones in the distance but it was the water in front of me that gave me such peace and joy as it softly glided onto the sand, across the seashells and onto my feet :)

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