
Monday, September 23, 2013


Each morning I set an intention my day feels rich. Yesterday was day three. I set the intention and meditated that everything is perfect and so am I. How did this go? It started off perfect and comfortable. My husband and I set off for lunch to try something new. I had mentioned that soup in a bread bowl sounded perfect for the gloomy first day of fall. I had the perfect place in mind as I have been wanting to try it for quite sometime. We got there only to find that it was closed. No worries...Everything is perfect. We drove to South Myrtle Beach to explore new restaurants only to find a bunch of chains with fried bar food and over priced  menus because they are on the beach. We chose not to eat at any of them. By this time we were very hungry and slightly frustrated. That's when I reminded myself once again everything is perfect. I have to say,when I did this I couldn't help but laugh at how perfectly I was being challenged since my mind kept wanting to find something wrong.

Finally we gave up the search for something original and headed to a sandwich place near our home. Interesting enough they had soup in a bread bowl. By surrendering I ended up getting exactly what I wanted. It's amazing how many little lessons you can learn on a daily basis through the small things in life just by setting intentions and meditating on them. What a gift to be able to re-create each and every day!

I awoke gently this morning with the sun gleaming through my window. It was another gorgeous day! The air is fresh and crisp. It's as if the season itself knew exactly when it was we call it autumn. My husband plays soccer every Monday so we got dressed and headed out the door. We stopped to get an iced pumpkin spice latte on the way which always makes me feel cozy on a fresh fall day.

Since it was so beautiful out I wanted to sit next to the field and watch him do what he loves so much. I set out my yoga mat under a tree and sipped on my iced coffee. My heart filled with such love as I watched him run across the field handling the soccer ball with his feet effortlessly. To do this with such ease there must be hours upon hours of practice as with anything you want to become good at. This inspired me to study my Italian. I have a goal to be conversational with his family by January and I'm not even close. So, I got out my notebook and flash cards and got to studying. The combination of being outside, watching my love play soccer and studying something I enjoy allowed me to feel such peace and accomplishment. I took my time enjoying each moment.

Eventually I found myself getting frustrated when I would get the same words and phrases continuously wrong. Then I heard a little voice in my head as if talking to a child. "Patience".

I exhaled. Yes, patience that is my intention for the day it is what I will meditate on as well. I forget sometimes that I am learning and to be patient with myself. When I ran my marathon it took me 6 months to train. I didn't just wake up one day run a marathon and I can't just wake up one day and speak a foreign language either. As I sat there reflecting on patience I could see how many things in my life I struggle with due to my lack of patience. I am currently nursing my right foot back to health from an injury that progressively got worse since February. I have been mad at my foot for not healing faster and frustrated with the whole process. How can I expect to heal if I'm not even handling my spirit with care? Patience. I found these quotes that say it perfectly...

So, for now I just breathe and enjoy what is now. By the time Lorenzo was done playing his game I had surpassed my own expectations with little struggle. I memorized over one hundred words! As far as my foot goes I will take it one day at a time and stop focusing on a month from now and trust that by keeping a healthy attitude while I wait for it to heal will greater the result. 

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