
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Daily Gifts

It's 9:30am and time for me to get up and start what looks to be a very long day ahead of me as I will head in to rehearsals for my show at 11am until 6pm then perform a show until 10pm. I know that I need to collect myself and get ready.

First collect myself... I throw on some sweats and grab my yoga mat and head out to my porch. The air is fresh and the birds are chirping. There is a light breeze that makes the leaves on the trees dance. I sit down crossed legged with my hands in my lap and close my eyes. Inhale. Exhale. This is my time and it's the most important part of my day. This is where I relax my body and listen to nature. I am calm. As I sit longer my mind starts to wander recollecting memories of yesterday and judging what it was like. Then I hear this beautiful sound like thousands of soft butterfly wings. It's the leaves dancing in the wind again. What a beautiful sound. It brings me back to the present moment of me sitting in what is. The sun is shining and the energy is calm but there my mind goes once again to everything that I need to do before I go to work and then continues to think about work. Inhale. Exhale. I recognize what I need to do and say thank you. I reassure myself that it will get done but not right now. Sitting still is what needs to be done right now. To help me with this I start imagining every thought (word or image) in a bubble. I recognize it then let it float away. This seems to work very well as if I am de-cluttering my mind one bubble at a time. Eventually there were no more bubbles. Just me on my porch listening to the leaves dance in the wind.

Sitting down to meditate has become the most important part of the day as it gets me to my center. I don't always sit for a long period of time. Sometimes it's five minutes, sometimes it's twenty. No matter how long, it's valuable. It also allows me to be with myself to know exactly what intention to set as well. I found myself peaceful and grateful during meditation and chose to continue this through out my day. Being at work all day can be tiring and sometimes being around the same people day in and day out with long hours can wear on peoples nerves. Of course it's not intentional but being tired and worked a lot can easily contribute to this. So I am going to be intentional.Today I am peaceful and I am grateful. Peaceful with everything as it is and grateful for all the gifts I have. I am blessed with an amazing job singing and dancing every night and I am surrounded with amazing talented people everyday. I have the most incredible husband who loves and supports me and I live on the beach. Most of all, I am grateful to be alive! Thank you life for the opportunity to sit still and listen to the leaves dance in the wind. I know that it truly is a gift.

Now as I continue my day look forward to what many other gifts this day has to offer....

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