Today is International Women's day. Although it's on our calendars it's not widely recognized, therefore I wanted to bring awareness to it. I could go on about the women in our history books, like Harriet Tubman, Ann Frank, Emily Dickinson, Amelia Earhart, Helen Kellar, Rosa Parks, Mother Theresa and thousands of others but today I want to recognize the women making a difference right now. In my life and in yours.

We celebrate mother's Day in May but why not celebrate them every day! Whether your relationship with your mother is good or not we can simply recognize our life would not exist had she chose not to have you. Thank you to mommies everywhere for giving the gift of life. Thank you for choosing to carry us in your womb for nine months and endure the pain of birth for us to be alive. Thank you to my mama who not only raised me but loves me with every fiber in her being. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made. Your strength, wisdom, love and discipline have helped mold me in the woman I am today.

Let's honor the friends in our lives. The women who are the ears that listen and the shoulders we cry on. These are the women who love us as family without blood. These are the women we trust with our secrets and go to for advice. These are the women that help pick us up when we fall, encourage us to dream big and inspire us. My friends over the years have become my sisters. I couldn't imagine my life without them. The friends in my life also dream big and are in constant give back to their communities as well as their families. From being incredible mom's raising incredible human beings, to caring for the ocean, to caring for the hungry and sharing their talents with the world. Thank you thank you for the work you do in the world and in my life.
Speaking of sisters... Let's love on our sisters. These are the blood bonded women of our lives. These are the women who love us unconditionally even when we aren't our best. They are the perfect combination of family and friend. We sacrifice for one another, entrust in one another and would do anything for each other. When I was a child I begged my mama for a little sister and when I was twelve years old I was finally blessed with the most incredible sister in the world. I'm proud of the woman she has become. She's a woman making an impact in the world, fighting for animal rights and educating people on culture. She says I inspire her but the presence of her in my life has inspired me to become a better woman for the last twenty years.

Grandmas, aunts, cousins, teachers, nurses, doctors, co-workers and artists. The women in our life come from all kinds of backgrounds and relatedness. To be quite honest I don't have enough time or words to acknowledge each and every woman in my life that has had a profound impact on my life. But today they are all in my heart and on my mind. I am so humbled and grateful for the incredible women I am constantly surrounded by.
So today whether you tell them or not, celebrate the magical women in your life and even just for a second acknowledge and thank them in your own right. We have come so far as women. Let's not stop here. The more we love and respect one another the stronger our society will become. Today I celebrate all of you. Thank you for the love you give and strength you have and the talents you share.
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