
I lived in Los Angeles for three years. I loved living in a city where culture, and art are a part of everyday life. I loved having something new to experience everyday if I so choose. I loved being surrounded by like minded, creative people and being close to some of the coolest beaches in the US. I loved that movies were filmed on my street corner and that I lived in the city everyone was entertained by on television. I loved performing in historical night clubs like the Viper Room on Sunset Blvd and I loved my studio apartment over looking Capitol Records and the Hollywood sign. I was singing at night and teaching yoga during the day. According to my public profile I was living the dream and that's how I liked it.

The truth was I wasn't happy. I couldn't find a relationship that was mutual. My gigs weren't paying enough to pay the bills and neither was yoga so I worked odd jobs I hated to stay afloat. I struggled and was depressed at the fact I had worked so hard to become a recognized performer and even though I had the talent and the drive I was still in wonder if I would be able to pay for my next meal since my rent was so high. Yes it was beautiful and I had amazing friends and great times but there was a sadness that lingered that only I knew. On the outside I was glowing and appeared to have the dream life but on the inside I longed for something more meaningful. Who's gonna want to share all that on Facebook?
Two weeks before my lease on my apartment came to a close I sold all of my belongings. I wanted freedom. I surrendered my dreams of being on the stage and opened myself up to whatever life wanted to hand me. Lucky for me my leap of faith took me to Russia for a gig two weeks later where I then proceeded to Italy to backpack and met my husband.
Life has had many twists and turns over the last couple of years and has had us living in a small tourist/retirement community in South Carolina. It's been an interesting couple of years and I've learned a lot as I have transitioned into a full time yoga instructor/kirtan singer and writer. Although I love my life and the beauty that is in it I still am guilty of comparing my life to my friends on social media as if my life should look different than it is. Then I remember, this is my journey and that is theirs. We all have a path. We can create and plan our life but sometimes it takes us for a ride in another direction. What's important is that we understand the direction we are going is the one of our true calling even if life is challenging at the time. It's up to us to find the silver lining and continue forward embracing the gifts we have right now.
One of the biggest mistakes we can make is comparing our journey to another. As the Bhagavad Gita says, "It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of someone else's life with perfection."

This statement brings such peace to me when I lose my way in comparing another's life to my own. We are all guilty of this in some shape or form but just remember your journey is unique and special. It's the footprint you leave behind that no one else can. Enjoy and celebrate your uniqueness and follow your bliss. Trust in yourself and trust in your path.