
Sunday, August 10, 2014

What's a Pelican Got To Do With You?

One of my favorite things to do is to get up early and walk on the beach. There is something so calming about the new days energy. It's as if any question I may have in life I find clarity in that space. The smell of the fresh sea air, the sound of birds and the waves crashing on the shore and feel of sand between my toes all contribute to the connection of my intuition.

As I was taking my walk on the beach I found such joy watching the group of pelicans that were on their morning hunt. They were so majestic as they swooped through the air together grazing just above the water each taking turns flying high into the air and diving into the water head first for fish.

How beautifully they worked together to hunt. As I investigated further into the pelican on Google I found that they not only hunt together to herd the fish for catching but they also share all the catchings with one another and males and females take turns keeping eggs warm.

The Pelican reminds us that we work best when we work together and to surround ourselves with the support of others that encourage you.

How can the lesson of the Pelican inspire your life?

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