
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Living Adventurously

Living adventurously...

I love this statement but what does it mean? What comes up for you when reading these words? On the surface it could mean doing new things such as sky diving, scuba diving, bungee jumping, traveling or eating exotic foods. I say YES to all of that however I think living adventurously is more than what meets the surface.

Living adventurously is loving freely without expecting it in return, it's feeling fear and stepping through it, it's taking action and being willing to fail or look silly, it's speaking your truth, it's being accountable along the way and trying new things. Essentially living adventurously is being in the game instead of watching from the stands.

 Some may say this is easier said than done. I agree. It's exactly that extra effort to live life fully that differentiates the players from the observers. It takes a willingness to go in the unknown. It's easier to play it safe however is it worth the toll it takes on the consciousness if you have regret? As far as we know this is the only life we get. Do you want to play it safe and regret the things you didn't do or didn't say when you meet the end? Or, do you play full out meeting the end knowing that you did your very best through taking risks emotionally and physically? The truth is nothing is promised whether we take the safe route or not.

A lot of times the struggle comes down to logic vs intuition or head vs heart if you will. We may feel a tug to take a leap of faith. Maybe, starting a new business or selling our belongings to see the world or even simply saying "I love you". Then logic starts to speak inside our heads with "what if's" and lists of responsibilities. We can easily start to feel trapped thinking a lot and creating stories that are not relative to reality. We are capable of doing anything we put our mind too. Unfortunately a good portion of the time it takes a life changing event to get us into action whether it's a death or even new life. We look for an excuse to take a leap instead of trusting we can make it work.

Can you imagine the feeling of accomplishment of pure joy knowing that YOU did it?! Knowing that you took a chance on yourself and whether you succeed or fail is irrelevant because you owned it! That feeling is so much more powerful than saying, "__________ happened so I had to _________."

Today I encourage you take a look in the mirror and ask yourself are you living your life fully? Are you fulfilling your dreams? Are you making your mark in the world that way you always hoped to? If so great!! Continue to share it with the world and if not what are you going to do from here? Will you play it safe or take a leap?

Even if it's small shifts in living your life more adventurously its one step further than you were.

You'd be surprised out how acknowledging someone or saying I love you can shift your world to a more beautiful place.

What can you do to live your life adventurously today?

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