
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dream It Real!

Dreaming it real. What does that mean? Can we really just dream something up and make it a reality? When we are young we are told we can be and do anything we want. We are encouraged to dream. Then the older we get the more discouraging others can be. Telling us to play it safe and some us listen.

A couple of years ago I was living in LA struggling to survive and dreaming up a dream. I used to look out my window of my Hollywood studio at the the ads for the Pantages theater. (the theater where all the off Broadway shows travel through). I would stare at those posters and think to myself. That's what I want...

"I want to perform on Broadway. I want to marry the love of my life. I want to have a family and live in a beautiful area near the beach. I want to be financially stable and travel the world. I want to live my dreams on the stage while maintaining a beautifully balanced life with my family."

Nothing in my life showed signs of this happening. I was working a job I didn't care for. A slave to my high rent and struggling as an artist.

Then one day I took a look around my apartment and though it was beautiful. It was a lie. I was surrounded by zen art and Buddhas along with  colorful worldly decorations. They were all things I aspired to be but was not. The truth was I was sad and lonely and lost. I chose right then and there to let go of everything I had. I sold all of my belongings and got a temporary home for my kitties until I figured out what to do and asked my friends if I could stay on their couches. I instinctively knew I had to let go of everything. Most people in my life were quite worried and although I was scared I pushed through. Two weeks before my lease on my apartment was up and I was selling the remaining of my belongings I received a call from a woman of whom was referred to me by a friend of mine to sing in her cabaret show. IN RUSSIA! We hit it off right away and 2 weeks later I was in Russia performing in a cabaret on a 3 day gig.

When they booked the air fare they asked me where I wanted to fly to when the gig was over. Some of the other band members were going to travel around Europe before going home. I said I've always wanted to go to Italy. They asked if I wanted to fly to Rome. I didn't wait to answer and blurted out "YES!" So there I was in Russia awaiting my new life's adventure in Italy. I took the little money I had and arrived in Rome.

There, I learned from other back packers how to backpack. I traveled up and down the west coast of Italy. I started in Rome  then headed to Florence then to Naples, Almafi Coast and Pompei. Then out the blue I got a calling within my gut to go back to Florence. I could feel something was there waiting for me. I booked a hostile for 4 days. Nothing happened so I booked a flight from Pisa for a few days later to Amsterdam where I would indefinitely teach yoga in Holland with some friends of mine. The night before I left I went out to a college bar with a group of friends I met at my hostile. It was at this bar I met the love of my life standing in line for a beer. (My husband!) We hit it off really well and went out the next night and then the next and then the next. The day before I was supposed to get on the plane to Amsterdam he and his friends asked me to stay. Needless to say, I did.

We fell madly in love. I had no intention of coming back to America at this point and started looking for Yoga teaching jobs in Florence. Just when I'm thinking "how am I gonna do this?" I get an email from a theater in SC on the beach saying they were referred by a friend of mine (same amazing friend that got me to Russia ) and that they would like for me to join the company singing full time in a show! I was confused what to do because I didn't want to be separated from my love but he encouraged me to go. He had faith we would work it out. Several months later I found myself  working in the theater, living on the beach, married to the love of my life, getting the kitties back and teaching yoga! And I get to travel to Italy every year!

(our 1 year anniversary :)

How's that for dreaming it real?!

I share this story with you to encourage you to dream and encourage you to listen to your intuition. Life is one big dream... Be creative and have fun!

I'm stilling dreaming and I still don't know how it's all going to fall into place but I do have faith that it will :)


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