
Monday, March 10, 2014

Age With Grace

Last week I'm proud to say I celebrated my 31st birthday. Someone asked me "So does 31 feel any different?"
I replied with a simple yes and a smile as it would take too long to to explain.

 A lot of people also would jokingly say "what are you 25?" as if I would rather be 25? I know it's all in good fun but I couldn't help but notice how the art of aging seems to be tabu especially for women. Many women do not like to divulge how old they are to others but I'm not one of them. I'm proud to be 31 and I'll be proud to be 51 or 61 when that time comes.

Last year I greeted my 30's fully aware of the new journey of woman hood I was about to embark. This year that still stands true as I now embrace it even fuller.

A couple weeks before my birthday my cousin/best friend came to visit me with a dear friend of ours. The last time we were all together was ten years ago at the ripe young age of 21 where they visited me in Las Vegas. We took spontaneous adventures to California, wore scandalously clad outfits, drank too much and danced our asses off. This trip was much different. Although I was sick and had to be on vocal rest I don't think much else would have changed. We watched movies in matching fleece PJ's, cooked at home and drank tea. We also indulged in smutty magazines and took quizzes. (Interestingly enough we found ourselves mostly appalled at the articles and advertisements within it's pages. More on that another time) We couldn't help but laugh at the way things have changed in 10 years time but also how much we were  still the same.

I find such beauty in aging and hold each birthday close to my heart. Each year brings more wisdom, memories and adventures. Last year I greeted my 30's with a new environment, new job, new friends and most of all my wonderful husband. I knew then my 30's would teach me how to be a new kind of woman. This year being with my husband and all my amazing friends and cast mates was truly a blessing as we celebrated my 31 years of life with a masquerade ball. 

 My 20's were amazing! Although I had many dark moments I grew strong from them and I'm appreciative to have lived so wildly. In my 20's I couldn't see myself being a wife or a mother. So being a wife and wanting to be a mother really blows my mind. It's very exciting. I know I repeat myself on that subject often. Maybe it's because it was so far out of my realm at one point it's hard to believe. I'm very grateful.

Needless to say there are shifts in mind and body as I gracefully age and it truly is beautiful. My husband likes to compare me to a fine wine. That I won't argue.

For my sisters out there reading this... Embrace your age. Embrace your inner and outer beauty. Embrace each moment as we grow wise. Love your body. Love your sisters. Love where you are right now. Laugh often and share your wisdom. Never dumb yourself down or discredit yourself. Accept compliments with grace and when someone asks how old you are... tell the truth with bold confidence because you are beautiful.

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