
Sunday, February 22, 2015

No Day But Today

Do you ever have days where you are lacking enthusiasm for the "to do's" in your life? I know I have lately. I even found myself with the excuse, "I just don't have time". Of course I know that's not true. We all have the same amount of time in a day. Some move mountains in that time and some move from the bed to the couch. 

Through meditation I realized my lack of enthusiasm was coming from my lack of connection. Connection to my community, friends and purpose. I have been surrounded by wonderful people and opportunity but my resistance to being in a place "I don't want" to be has gotten in my way. My theme for the year is Trust. I repeat this mantra in my head whenever I am challenged. I repeat it in my yoga practice and in meditation. There are times I can surrender to it and times I cannot but either way I continue to do the work. 

I have been performing in a production of my favorite musical, Rent. It's been a long time coming and am so grateful to be a part of such a great cast. We opened on Friday. I was greeted before the show by two of my favorite people who surprised me with the biggest bouquet of flowers and lots of supporting hugs. After the show I was surprised by two more beautiful familiar faces to support me along with my husband who has been by my side through it all. To top it off, text messages and voice mails poured in from my family and friends from afar with their loving words of encouragement. I had forgotten how loved and supported I am. 

After the show my hubby and I went out with the cast to celebrate. I was able to connect further to these wonderfully talented spirits I have been rehearsing with for the last two months. They have been so accepting and loving as they have greeted me as a new face to the theater and are so sweet with one another. By being out with each of them I was able to fill up with love again and reconnect to my surroundings. 

It was my lack of connection to my passions, friends, and community that had me running on empty. Now, I'm inspired and excited for life and new projects. Interesting how simple human connection can change everything and funny that this is what Rent is all about. It took opening night for me to feel it in my core. If you are feeling uninspired, lost or disarrayed, pause for a moment, breathe and spend some time with the people in your life. Forget about "to do's" for a moment and reconnect to life with life. 

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