
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Never Talk About It Again!

I recently found myself getting upset at an old issue I thought I had put behind me. I'm not going to discuss it here because I no longer need to feed it energy. If you have an issue that bothers you and doesn't align with what you want in your life, here is the solution... Never talk about it again! By talking about it it stirs up emotions and energy that are unnecessary to the alignment of your happiness.

At first my thought was, "Isn't it healthy to talk it through if I need to vent?". Maybe in some cases but then I thought about it further. Every time I talk about this subject I feel angry and sad. I also feel guilty after I vent about it. Talking about this subject in no way helps me align to my greatness. So I have let it go and that's the end of that.

Do you have an issue that is hard for you to swallow and want to put it behind you but find yourself slipping down the slope of upset  and gluttonous gossip?

Check out this video by Abraham Hicks (it's about 9 minutes and totally worth it!) on this subject for more clarity. It helped me and I hope it can help you or someone you know.

"Do you know why you feel so bad when you think about it? Because you go there and your inner being doesn't" - Abraham Hicks

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