
Sunday, December 14, 2014

This Is Your Wake Up Call!

What have you always wanted to do but didn't have the courage to do it or didn't believe it was possible for you?

What are the excuses you tell yourself about why you can't do it?

Life isn't forever. We actually don't know how long our life will be. This is a wake up call!! 

We get caught up with our lives working, saving, working some more, paying bills etc. Then before you know it years have passed by and the dreams you've dreamed have too. 

Life is a gift. Life is a game. Your life is your canvas! What are you going to do with it? What game are you playing? What painting are you painting?

Fill your life with color, fun, love and adventure. Be silly. Laugh out loud. Dance it out. 

We all have things we have wanted to do or see but thought "I'll get to it someday".

Someday never comes but today is here right now. What can you do right now to take a step in the direction of something you love? I promise you, even a a baby step in the direction of something you have been wanting to do today will get the ball rolling and make a difference in your life. 

Get inspired and be inspiring! 

Stop living like you have forever. Embrace what you have and shoot for the stars!

Book the ticket for the trip you've always wanted to go on. Go visit family you haven't had time for. Call up old friends and meet up somewhere fun. Sign up for a class for something you have always wanted to learn. Volunteer helping those you have always wanted to help. 

Stop making excuses and live the life you love. Leave your legacy. How do you want to be remembered? Now go do it!

Share below something you have always wanted to do that you can take a step forward to today...


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