
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Love & Be Loved

Early this week as I was contemplating what my life was going to look like in a few weeks as my life is about to shift into a new chapter. I found myself in fear, doubt and insecurity. I started to look for things to inspire me and lift me up. I came across this video by Jim Carey that truly moved my heart and knew I had to share it with you.

This message is so powerful. It's not fame, or fortune that creates fulfillment in life. It's our relationship to others. Choose love over fear. After watching this I couldn't help but let go of all fear and feel the abundance of love I have in my life. I have incredible friendships, loving relationships to my entire family and the most wonderful caring husband. I realized in that moment it doesn't matter what happens in the future. I love and feel loved.

Love is the most powerful  natural gift we have. So my encouragement to anybody who may be feeling the holiday blues or worrying about the future... count the blessings you have in front of you how ever big or small and reach out to the ones you love. Make phone calls, send letters or cards. If you have any unfinished business with someone, go clean it up. Let go of fear and work on your relationships. 

What are you waiting for?

Love and be loved.   

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