
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Yoga vs Religion

As a yoga teacher I come across the subject of yoga vs religion fairly frequently. Here is a Q&A that may help in clearing up some confusion. 

Is Yoga a religion?
No, Yoga is not a religion. However, it is a spiritual practice. It is a tool to connect to the mind, body and spirit as one working entity connected to the universe and/or God. Therefore it can enhance whatever religious beliefs one may have. 

Are there Deities in Yoga?
No there only Gurus (teachers). Although some teachers may incorporate stories or chants or lessons from deities of the Hindu religion as both practices are from India. They just as easily could incorporate any story or lesson from any religion since there is wisdom in all scriptures. 

I don't understand what Sanskrit is, therefore it scares me. What is it?
Sanskrit is an ancient language like Latin. It is no longer used on a daily basis but is used in ancient scripts and teachings such as yoga. 

Is chanting some kind of witch craft?
No, chanting is a form of prayer or affirmation. The idea is that words and tones hold certain vibrations. Some can be healing and some are not. Just think about when you are telling someone you love them and much you adore them. The words and tones from your voice that you are sharing with that person are soothing and loving. Now think about if you are yelling unkindly at someone. Chanting is a way to connect to God and/or to affirm something in one’s life by repeating a mantra. It can be in Sanskrit or any language for that matter. 

There are spiritual rules in Yoga isn't that the same as being a religion?
No. Although there are some similarities as they are a moral code that enhance one’s life when practiced.
These are the 10 Ethical Principles of Living

The Yamas and the Niyamas...

Yamas - (things to avoid)
1. Ahimsa - non harm / compassion for all living things (including one’s self) 
2. Satya - Commitment to truth (telling the truth and living your truth)
3. Asteya - not stealing 
4. Brahmacharya- Celibacy/merging with the one (a practice to honor our sexual energy and use it wisely with no harm to another or oneself. Having it be an act of love or God)
5. Aparigraha – non-grasping or greed 

Niyamas (Things to practice)
1. Purity - Cleanliness of the body, mind and environment as to live to experience life and a higher vibration
2. Contentment - feeling satisfied and/or grateful for one’s immediate experience
3. Discipline - practicing passionately. This can be done with our day to day tasks as well as the things we view as fun. 
4. Swadhyaya – Self-study/self- reflective consciousness. To be self-aware is to be deeply connected to life or closer to God. 
5. Ishvarapranidhana - Celebration of the spiritual. This can be done with any action you take on through the day. Allowing one’s self to attune to the beauty, love and gifts of each moment through our being and action.  

Can I practice yoga and follow a religion? 
Absolutely! Practicing Yoga is a beautiful way to enhance any belief system as it connects you to your mind, body and spirit as well as to others and God. After viewing these ethical codes notice how similar they are to the scriptural teachings of your own religion. As you can see these are codes of morality located in any religious believe. If you are religious, translate these codes to the language of religion you connect with. 

Can I practice Yoga and never believe in God? What does Namaste mean?

Yes. By practicing Asana (physical practice of yoga), meditation and the moral ethic listed above you connect to a deeper sense of self and a deeper connection to all. Some translate this as God and some don't. No matter what your belief is in God, Yoga is a practice to enhance ones experience to life. 

What does Namaste mean? 
Many teachers say this at the end of class as to honor those that have shown up to practice.

Namaste - My soul honors your soul. I commend the place in you where the spirit resides. I admire the place in you which is love, truth, light & peace because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are one.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sharp Tongues

This week, I recognized each time something flew out of my mouth it was like a cannon ball whizzing threw the air heading for destruction. I have a sharp tongue to say the least but my intention is never to hurt someone. When I was younger my parents used to tell me, "It's not what you say but how you say it. Think before you speak Angela." I've heard these words repeated in my head many times and as an adult have come to understand what they mean but how much should we think about what we are saying?

Our words are the most powerful tool we have. They have the power to declare love or hate, to build or destroy cities as well as relationships or reputations. So many times we chatter thinking about what to say next filling our dialogue with non-sense. What if the words we spoke were intentional and heart felt? This isn't to say being silly or light hearted should be ignored but rather being fully accountable in what we are saying.

Not to long ago I said something as a joke about someone I don't know very well with a group of people and although they were there I realized it hurt that person. I felt awful. I didn't mean it at all as an insult but realized quickly it sounded like one. I immediately apologized. I realized in that moment my apology would either be accepted or it wouldn't and what ever the others thought about it was no longer in my control. Like a pebble thrown in the pond creating ripples in the water the thoughts where already created. I couldn't go around cleaning it up everywhere but I could clean it up at the source. We are not in control of how others perceive us but we can take accountability by owning the words that come out of our mouths. If you say it and it doesn't feel right after you have the power to clean it up. If you go around using words as toxic waste you can be responsible for the way your life shows up.

On the other side of the coin here is keeping your mouth shut and not expressing what you have to say about a subject. I am guilty of this too in fear of hurting someone or being judged by others. I know I'm not alone here but this isn't a healthy option either. So, when do we say something?

I think if what you have to say aligns with your highest integrity and values you should express it. Not everyone is going to like it but as long as it's true to you and there are no intentions of hurting another it should be communicated. As far as the fear of being judged... Let's get real, everyone is judging you just as you are judging everyone else. If you're going to care what people think of you, choose to care about the opinions of the ones you respect and love.

Be bold in your declarations, stand up for what you believe in and always do your best to express love. As your most powerful tool, be wise with your words.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

This Is Your Wake Up Call!

What have you always wanted to do but didn't have the courage to do it or didn't believe it was possible for you?

What are the excuses you tell yourself about why you can't do it?

Life isn't forever. We actually don't know how long our life will be. This is a wake up call!! 

We get caught up with our lives working, saving, working some more, paying bills etc. Then before you know it years have passed by and the dreams you've dreamed have too. 

Life is a gift. Life is a game. Your life is your canvas! What are you going to do with it? What game are you playing? What painting are you painting?

Fill your life with color, fun, love and adventure. Be silly. Laugh out loud. Dance it out. 

We all have things we have wanted to do or see but thought "I'll get to it someday".

Someday never comes but today is here right now. What can you do right now to take a step in the direction of something you love? I promise you, even a a baby step in the direction of something you have been wanting to do today will get the ball rolling and make a difference in your life. 

Get inspired and be inspiring! 

Stop living like you have forever. Embrace what you have and shoot for the stars!

Book the ticket for the trip you've always wanted to go on. Go visit family you haven't had time for. Call up old friends and meet up somewhere fun. Sign up for a class for something you have always wanted to learn. Volunteer helping those you have always wanted to help. 

Stop making excuses and live the life you love. Leave your legacy. How do you want to be remembered? Now go do it!

Share below something you have always wanted to do that you can take a step forward to today...


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Love & Be Loved

Early this week as I was contemplating what my life was going to look like in a few weeks as my life is about to shift into a new chapter. I found myself in fear, doubt and insecurity. I started to look for things to inspire me and lift me up. I came across this video by Jim Carey that truly moved my heart and knew I had to share it with you.

This message is so powerful. It's not fame, or fortune that creates fulfillment in life. It's our relationship to others. Choose love over fear. After watching this I couldn't help but let go of all fear and feel the abundance of love I have in my life. I have incredible friendships, loving relationships to my entire family and the most wonderful caring husband. I realized in that moment it doesn't matter what happens in the future. I love and feel loved.

Love is the most powerful  natural gift we have. So my encouragement to anybody who may be feeling the holiday blues or worrying about the future... count the blessings you have in front of you how ever big or small and reach out to the ones you love. Make phone calls, send letters or cards. If you have any unfinished business with someone, go clean it up. Let go of fear and work on your relationships. 

What are you waiting for?

Love and be loved.