
Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Faces of Truth

Satya - Truthfulness

This can take the form of many areas in ones life. The first one being, what words we speak. You can ask yourself, is what I 'm saying hold truth? It's easy to get caught up in gossip or tell white lies but are they serving your highest purpose? Is it serving others? This can be a tricky because I believe most people do not want to hurt another persons feelings and the best way to do that is to talk to someone else about it or tell white lies. Whatever the reason is, it's a good thing to look at within oneself.

 Another form of truthfulness may be what you stand for. Have you ever been conflicted when something was happening that you didn't agree of but said nothing? Recently I was in a conversation with a friend and he said that he acted like a girl sometimes. I asked, how so? He replied with an answer of sorts, that he was over emotional or cried and whined sometimes. Because I'm comfortable with him I asked him how is that acting like a girl? He said girls are emotional creatures, I think he even said unstable. I corrected him and said women are sensitive creatures with empathy but to say "I'm acting like a girl" in that way seemed negative and stereo typical. This is something I believe we need to stray from and empower women. I know he meant no harm by the comment but that's how ingrained these stereo types are. A few days later another man colleague said he whines like a girl when it's cold. I didn't say anything and walked away. I don't know if it was because I was not as comfortable speaking with him about it or if I just didn't want to get into it right then but later I wish I had said something. Not to start an argument or to make someone wrong but because it's a subject matter I feel strongly about. Who knows, what I have to say may shift someones perspective to something new and empowering.

Lastly, are you living from your truth? Deep inside each and every one of us we have a purpose to fulfill. Sometimes we are unaware if it because of the business of our lives or our loud and chattering minds but we all at some point feel there's something more to this equation. By sitting and meditating we can get closer to this deep truth and live it. Once you have a grasp on what it is, you can look at your life to see if it aligns. If it doesn't... Changes will have to be made. This isn't always an easy task. Sometimes this comes in the form of quitting a job or walking away from certain people but in the end if the actions you are taking honor your highest truth (highest self) you cannot lose.

Satya... What does truthfulness mean to you and how can you incorporate it into your everyday life?

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