A few days ago I was uploading to my Instagram account with a yoga photo and a little "tid bit" about creating joy in each moment... in each task, in each interaction and each challenge. I thought this was pretty good as it was authentic to what I wanted to create in my day. Forty minutes later the photo had still not uploaded. I had pushed load so many times I lost count. Ironically I started to get upset. I think I even yelled at my phone (as if that was going to help). Then it hit me!! I was upset that my "Joy Intention" post wasn't posting. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically and share this story later with the yoga class I was teaching.
It was perfect!

The more joy I allowed myself to feel the more it spread to others.
Today I encourage you to set an intention for yourself (a way of being rather such as joyful, happy, loving, courageous, bold ect..) It's up to you.
What are you creating for your day??
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