
Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Art of Love

Anyone that knows me knows I LOVE love! To me its the most important thing in the world. I'm what you would call a hopeful romantic and always have been. When I was a young girl I looked at every crush with hopeful eyes that they would be some great love. As I grew, I filled with fear my heart would be broken (cause when you love so freely it's bound your heart will break). My heart broke time and time again. At some point I had given up on the outside but still dreamed secretly on the inside I would find that one true love.

Two years ago I met my match and not only gave my heart but my hand in marriage. It wasn't the wedding that was a dream come true but the ever present unconditional love two once strangers have for one another. 

In the fairy tales they describe the princess finding her prince and living "happily ever after"  but they never describe what that is exactly.Happily every after has to be created each day, each moment. Love is an art and your relationship is your canvas.

To love fully is to love someone for everything they are and everything they're not.  It's never assuming you know everything that there is to know about your partner. (Remember  to"ASSume makes an ass out of u and me".)

In the beginning of a relationship we are "wooed" by the other person, completely smitten. The art of falling in love is magical, seductive and fun. Eventually as the relationship progresses we get comfortable. That too is an art. Each stage of relationship to your love is a work of art and is beautiful. Just like painting a picture it takes courage to dare and be bold. It takes many colors from your pallet and it takes creativity, patience and practice.

 Being married or otherwise we all want to look like we are in the perfect relationship. We want to look like we never fight or don't have our own baggage to work through while our partner mirrors us even though we all know that every relationship has it's challenges.  If they didn't how would we grow individually and as a couple. I think it's important to embrace awareness in the beauty of these challenges with the person we love so dearly. Watch your love grow each time you overcome a challenge together.

As a fairly newly married woman I've experienced many challenges as I grow...
Like letting go of my attachment to my "old" self as I mature into a woman than I've not known myself to be. Like being a woman that can be a mother. Like being responsible for two instead of one and thinking about future investments. Like not being self righteous and learning to be humble. Like understanding it's not about me, it's about we.

We are all on this journey of love together as we all need it to nurture and grow. It's not always easy but it's always worth it. Let us always love to our fullest with every lover, friend and relative. Allow the challenges to help us grow and paint a masterpiece of love.

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