
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Let it go

Over the last week we have shifted into the season of letting go, Autumn. The trees start to gently let go of their leaves as they no longer serve a purpose to the upcoming season of winter. The leaves shift from vibrant greens to golds, reds, oranges and browns. Just as we recognize the leaves as beautiful while dying we too can find beauty and grace in letting go of what no longer serves us.

In yoga there is a term Aparigraha--Not Grasping
This is the concept of non-possessiveness or non-greediness.

Yes we can take this literally such as the owning and the accumulating of things but I like to think it also be refers to holding on to judgements and feelings. No matter which way you look at it this Yama is a beautiful intention to hold during this transitional period.

It's a time to reflect on what no longer serves you spiritually and emotionally as well as your personal belongings and let it go. Lets start to make space for that which serves us.

Happy Fall!!


Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Power of Intention

Today I want to talk about the power of setting intention for your day.

A few days ago I was uploading to my Instagram account with a yoga photo and a little "tid bit" about creating joy in each moment... in each task, in each interaction and each challenge. I thought this was pretty good as it was authentic to what I wanted to create in my day. Forty minutes later the photo had still not uploaded. I had pushed load so many times I lost count. Ironically I started to get upset. I think I even yelled at my phone (as if that was going to help). Then it hit me!! I was upset that my "Joy Intention" post wasn't posting. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically and share this story later with the yoga class I was teaching. 

It was perfect!

When we set intentions and keep them to ourselves we can easily forget or put it off to the side but when we declare it to others it becomes real. You cannot escape yourself once declared out loud. In this case I declared to FB and Instagram and later my class. It was because of this intention I had a fantastic day filled with joy. Sure I was challenged a couple times via instagram and later that day I noticed my bike was stolen. I reacted with upset at first then remembered the laughter I had created earlier that day through my intention of joy. I quickly let it go and found joy in the idea someone else may be enjoying the bike I barely used.

 The more joy I allowed myself to feel the more it spread to others.

Today I encourage you to set an intention for yourself (a way of being rather such as joyful, happy, loving, courageous, bold ect..) It's up to you.

What are you creating for your day??

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Art of Love

Anyone that knows me knows I LOVE love! To me its the most important thing in the world. I'm what you would call a hopeful romantic and always have been. When I was a young girl I looked at every crush with hopeful eyes that they would be some great love. As I grew, I filled with fear my heart would be broken (cause when you love so freely it's bound your heart will break). My heart broke time and time again. At some point I had given up on the outside but still dreamed secretly on the inside I would find that one true love.

Two years ago I met my match and not only gave my heart but my hand in marriage. It wasn't the wedding that was a dream come true but the ever present unconditional love two once strangers have for one another. 

In the fairy tales they describe the princess finding her prince and living "happily ever after"  but they never describe what that is exactly.Happily every after has to be created each day, each moment. Love is an art and your relationship is your canvas.

To love fully is to love someone for everything they are and everything they're not.  It's never assuming you know everything that there is to know about your partner. (Remember  to"ASSume makes an ass out of u and me".)

In the beginning of a relationship we are "wooed" by the other person, completely smitten. The art of falling in love is magical, seductive and fun. Eventually as the relationship progresses we get comfortable. That too is an art. Each stage of relationship to your love is a work of art and is beautiful. Just like painting a picture it takes courage to dare and be bold. It takes many colors from your pallet and it takes creativity, patience and practice.

 Being married or otherwise we all want to look like we are in the perfect relationship. We want to look like we never fight or don't have our own baggage to work through while our partner mirrors us even though we all know that every relationship has it's challenges.  If they didn't how would we grow individually and as a couple. I think it's important to embrace awareness in the beauty of these challenges with the person we love so dearly. Watch your love grow each time you overcome a challenge together.

As a fairly newly married woman I've experienced many challenges as I grow...
Like letting go of my attachment to my "old" self as I mature into a woman than I've not known myself to be. Like being a woman that can be a mother. Like being responsible for two instead of one and thinking about future investments. Like not being self righteous and learning to be humble. Like understanding it's not about me, it's about we.

We are all on this journey of love together as we all need it to nurture and grow. It's not always easy but it's always worth it. Let us always love to our fullest with every lover, friend and relative. Allow the challenges to help us grow and paint a masterpiece of love.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


A Breakdown.... What is it?

Some people when they are saying they are having a break down they may literally mean they are helpless, crying, screaming, upset or maybe even a deep dark depression. Today I would like to redefine breakdown the way I use it in my life. It may be a helpful tool for you the next time something goes dramatically wrong.

First lets define breakdown...

Breakdown according to the dictionary...

        Breakdown- a mechanical failure or malfunction
                            a failure of a relationship or system

I'd like to state a breakdown is ANYTHING you planned that doesn't go the way you said it would or doesn't go the way you trusted it to be. It can be as big as losing a job or as little as a miscommunication with a friend or depending on how you see it. 

So what do we do when we have a breakdown?

I'll be honest I'm better with handling the big breakdowns than I am the little ones and in past I didn't handle them at all. But over the years through my developmental studies and practice I've gotten better. I recently had a big breakdown in my life. Fortunately I stayed calm. I knew in this situation I didn't have time to lose it. 

Here are the steps I took...

1.  I reached out immediately to those it would affect to be in communication. 
2. Afterward I  reached out to those that could lift me up and see the positive in the situation. 
3. I knew then I had to let myself feel and react, so alone I gave myself space to let it all out, to feel and react. Be human.
4. I then made the choice to give myself the time to just be, meaning rest and be with friends. I gave myself a time line to do this before getting into action. (I feel it's important to get a clear head and nurture ourselves before pushing to the next thing. If we are exhausted or emotional our intention may be clouded to others when we are trying to recreate a situation). 
5. After I had given myself that time to recollect it was time to get into action. 
6. Create a plan and go. Reach out to your community. They are your strongest resource. Be honest and authentic. It's ok to reach out for help. 

Above all know that whatever it is you are challenged by is temporary and it is the road to your next big thing. Trust in yourself and trust in life and if you forget call the ones in your life that remember...