
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

When The Curtain Opens

Performing is in my blood. It was what I knew I wanted to do from the time I could speak/sing. Why? I'm not always sure. 

There have been many times in my life I've even tried to giving it up, convincing myself I should have a "grown up job" but it always finds me. Through the good the bad and the ugly I have always found my way back to the stage. Being there teaches me and heals me and makes people smile. It's what I love to do.

Last week we opened the show after a month of  long and grueling rehearsals. We were all ready. I love opening night as it creates the butterflies in the tummy and the thumping heart in my chest wanting to put on the best show we can for those that came to see us. Only on this day I was going through a really tough personal situation. Normally I would go into detail but in this case I would like to just put it behind me. However this situation took up most of my day and had me emotionally drained. I could have easily allowed it to ruin the moment my cast and I had all been waiting for.

Everyone was smiling with the jitters as we rouged our cheeks and lips and curled our hair prepping for the curtain to rise. I found myself annoyed. Then from the depths within I heard my consciousness.

 "Be present! Enjoy this moment! Enjoy these people."

 I was reminded that there is no other moment than right now and what an amazing moment it was. I get to do what I love every night. I also knew that I had to be present in each moment on stage to give the best performance I could. I chose right then and there to let my problems go and enjoy the smiling faces around me and allow the jitters to tickle my tummy again. 

The curtain opened to a full house with bright eyes filled with excitement to see us do what we do best. Entertain! And that we did! We had a wonderful opening show and I was able to translate all of my previous frustrations into love through music and dance. I was reminded of my blessings and reminded of the choice we always have to be happy even when things aren't going as planned.  Hearing and seeing the sound and sight of that beautiful crowd reminded me of why I do what I do. I make make people smile and forget about their problems. But what they don't know is that they do the same for me. 

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