
Monday, February 17, 2014

Dream it into Reality

In case you didn't know already I am "geeked" out on goals! So much so I make it my personal responsibility to share my wealth of knowledge from the lessons I've learned passed down to me from many great mentors.

Those in my life will tell you "when she declares it, it happens". Although the declaration of the goal is the most powerful there are added steps that make it probable.

Dream it
Be specific
Declare it
Take action
Enjoy the ride....

Daydreaming is fun but not always productive. I enjoy visual stimulation so when I create my goals I love to make a vision board. I use Brian Tracy's goal setting tools by creating my goals into 3 catagories.


Then I create 1-3 goals per year catagory

10 year
5 year 
1 year  

I write my goals as if they have already happened.
"My husband and I own 1 house in the USA and 1 house in Tuscany by June 2024"

This speaks to the universe as a powerful manifestation.

3 years ago I wrote on my vision board

"I have backpacked through Europe by Dec 2015"
"I have met the love of my life by Oct 2012"
I met my husband while backpacking in Italy in Oct 2012

Of course you don't have to make a vision board or write them down but it does help as to not lose sight of the things you want to accomplish. But if it's not your thing I suggest talking about what you want in life to everyone. Share... Share...Share...

August 2012 I had a profound realization that I  was ready to have it all. I declared I wanted to marry the love of my life, start a family, live near the ocean in a beautiful home and be financially stable  doing what I love to do... Sing! I repeated this inside my head daily and I shared with everyone I talked to. I had forgotten all about the vision board I made a year prior but I continued to put it into the universe until one day I opened my eyes and saw I had it all.

I traveled Italy, met my now husband, got a full time gig in a theater near the beach. Sometimes I still have to pinch myself. Sometimes I can't help but tear up at the magic I created with 1st a dream and then my words. I have many stories like this because I BELIEVE in making dreams reality.

If you could be, do and have anything in the world without fail...
Who would you be? What would you do? What would you have?



Of course to see the change one must first be the change.. So, here are my goals/dreams for the next 10 years.

10 Year I grow my own vegetables in the backyard of my home to feed my family with. By April 2024
5 Year I visit India and study meditation and yoga in an ashram for 30 days. By March 2019
1 Year  I am in the shape of my life and pick up choreography fast. By Jan 2015
1 Year I can do a handstand without a wall, do the splits and climb a rope by Jan 2015

10 Year Lorenzo and I own and produce our own dinner theater. By June 2024
5 Year I play the role of Maureen in Rent on Broadway. By May 2019
1 Year I open for Jason Mraz with my own songs. By March 2015
1 Year I have a video of myself singing on youtube that goes viral in a positive way by Jan 2015

10 Year Lorenzo and I  own 2 houses. 1 in the US and 1 in Italy. By June 2024
10 Year
I speak at a TED talk about turning dreams into reality and having it all. By May 2024
5 Year I write and release an inspirational book. By April 2019
5 Year Lorenzo and I are superhero parents of 1 with a healthy and happy baby. By May 2017
5 Year I speak and write fluent Italian By Jan 2019
1 Year I successfully coach and inspire young women in my community. By Jan 2015
1 Year I have 100 followers of my Blog. By Jan 2014
1 Year Lorenzo and I travel to 5 new cities on our time off

 To continue on the inspiration train it doesn't end here. After I have created my vision I make a board for my own personal visual stimulation. Then to take it one step further this year I will be breaking all of my goals down to daily tasks that will create measurable results to achieving that which I created. I made a chart in Exel with an already made template for daily chores. I havent done this before so I look forward to the powerful results I know it will have. If just the shear sharing and action of a goal can be magic this is with out a doubt going to be Alchemy and I look forward to the results.

Last but not least.. Remember to enjoy the ride. It's all a game that we've created. Have fun and love every moment of the journey.

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