
Monday, February 24, 2014

The Spontaneous Soul's Biggest Challenge

I recently read an article called 10 Regrets Spontaneous People Will Never Have. As I was reading I felt proud to admit I have met all 10 but it made me think...

Over the last year I have been living a beautiful life that I have created but even the greatest gifts come with challenges.

My challenge... the art of being still. For the first time in my life I feel responsible, stable and calm. I yearn to start a family with my beautiful husband but I wonder if my wandering spirit will be able to handle this lifestyle. Although I'm proud to call myself spontaneous, the itch for always wanting more can be my worst enemy.

Why do we constantly crave more even when what we have is enough?

I know the grass isn't greener. Ive been on the other side living day by day never knowing where the path will lead and though it was fun it was often lonely and confusing as I never set any roots.

I've always been one to to my face my fear in the eyes. Could settling down be the greatest fear of a spontaneous soul? And thinking back to that article could the one regret the spontaneous soul have is to "not commit" to something?

Contemplating on this, I realized being married, responsible, stable and having a family is the most spontaneous I have ever been. I took a leap  making a commitment to the greatest love I have ever felt for another human being.

I wont lie. Being married has challenged me, mostly because of the mourning of my single self and the freedom I felt being able to pick up and go wherever and whenever I choose. (The mourning of "me" into the birth of "we") But, as time progresses and I get to look into the eyes of the most beautiful man I know each day and enjoy the riches around me I realize that I created this from my spontaneity. I recognize this responsible, stable and calm lifestyle with the possibility of family as the boldest statement I have ever made in my life. I am staring straight into the eyes of my biggest fear. It's scary but magnificent.

They say the spontaneous soul lives life with "no regrets" in mind at all times. I can relate to that being the truth. Not living my life as a married woman and one day mother while still maintaining my sense of wonder would be my greatest regret.

Here's to spontaneity and having it all!

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