
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hug Time!

In January I relocated for work from one coast of the country to the next after 4 months of traveling and meeting the love of my life. I have since been acclimating to my new environment, making new friends and nesting in my new home. However I am now under contract for a year and my fiance is 4500 miles away until we can figure out how to get married. We see each other every 2-3 months. As you can imagine this is challenging for the both of us because we love each other so much and just want to be together. During this time of separation we have realized the importance of touch. Have you ever gotten into an argument with someone you love and not been able to hug them after you've made up? Have you ever seen or heard your other half sad/upset and not be able to embrace them? As I'm sure you know, it's a difficult task. It's the hug that connects your energy. It lets the other one feel safe and confident. Hugging is the most natural way people show affection when showing love, celebrating or mourning. After months of being apart my love and I make a point to embrace each other in a super long hug that seems to comfort and reconnect us.

Not only have I found the hug I receive from him a comfort because I've missed him but because my extent of human contact is next to none in my new environment as I shift to adapt to my new surroundings. There have been many days I feel a hug would make me feel so much better. Recently one of my cast mates was feeling under the weather and she expressed she wishes she had someone to hold her while she got better. I told her I know exactly how she feels. To be held or hugged is such a healing process.

There have been many studies on hug therapy that confirm having daily hugs in one's life increases confidence and productivity. Here are a couple articles I came across the importance of hugging.

Family therapist Virginia Satir says, "We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth." I have to say I agree with this concept and considering I know I could use a few more hugs a day I will be testing this one out ;)

Now go hug someone!

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