
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Go with the Flow & Ride the Wave

I'd like to think of myself as a person that just goes with the flow but the truth of the matter is I've been a person that changes a lot and seems to kick a little in the process. I'm an artist and a yoga instructor so I am constantly practicing change in my life whether it's on the stage or on my mat. Just as everyone I have my good days as well as bad. Recently I find myself in a new environment, newly married with a new job all in which are blessings so how come I find myself internally struggling?

I came from Los Angeles where I was surrounded by culture and nature and always something to do as well as other people I could relate to as a spiritual woman. I came from working gig to gig singing in clubs and coffee shops at night and teaching yoga by day. I came from traveling the world experiencing the exquisite and the majestic. I came from pure romance like you see in the movies.

Where am I now? I'm in a small beach town filled with tourists and chain restaurants along the bible belt working consistently in a show singing and dancing. I'm newly married to the love of my life living in a large quiet apartment on a golf course. The days come and go and for the most part look the same and my husband and I have moved out of our super romantic stage into everyday living.

I find myself daydreaming of the past and complaining that I'm bored. I find myself fearing the future that it will be mundane. Why? Well I've never been one to sit still and now that I am I have too much time to think. In a way its good, It's an opportunity to witness where I'm at (so to speak) and create what I want but at the same time I torture myself with "how it should be" or "how it used to be", consistently avoiding what joy it is to be in the present moment and recognizing the beauty in what I have right now because I am so grateful for everything I have. 

The truth is no matter how much each day may look the same its forever changing. Myself as well as the people in my life are changing and I'm finding it's important to love them for who they are now and appreciate the moment for what it is now and not what is should be. Of course this is a daily practice, even a moment to moment practice to with the flow and ride the wave.

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