
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Committment Vs Attachment

Things that make you go OM... Is made to inspire, share from the heart and connect. At least that is the intention of this blog.

Today I wanted to talk a little about a distinction called Commitment Vs Attachment.

When you want something badly enough these two can look the same. In both cases actions are taken for an outcome. However, the quality is different. When you are committed nothing can get in your way or discourage you because you are willing to bend in order to make it happen and you know it is only a matter of time. When you are attached it is very easy to become discouraged and upset as you are attached to the outcome happening a specific way or no way at all.

Example: I bring up this blog in the beginning of the post because I realized where I was once committed to the inspiration of others and sharing from the heart I  instead became attached to the amount of readers I had each week as if I needed the validation to stay committed. When I realized that no matter how much I shared from my heart I only got a few readers (if at all). I began to analyze what I was doing wrong. I started to compare myself to other writers and knock myself down. My mentality spiraled out of control like Alice down the rabbit whole until I was ready to throw in the towel. So I didn't post on my typical day (Monday). However this didn't sit right with me. Why? Because of what I'm committed to. I'm committed that sharing is caring. So, I took a second look. I could now see I became attached vs committed as suffering was involved. So let me try again...

Things that make you go OM is designed to inspire, share from the heart and connect whether that is 1 person or a million. Coming back to my intention and letting go of my attachment allows a new found freedom, creativity and love.

Commitment Vs Attachment is an important distinction that is helpful in recognizing where we are in the things we say we are committed to. Is there suffering involved? If so, what are you attached to? Do you need it to happen a specific way? Are you being prideful? If you let go of the attachment does commitment resurface? Or was it never there to begin with? Whether your treading through deep or shallow waters see where you can let go and recreate what you are committed to. Become inspired again.


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