
Sunday, January 18, 2015


I am giving myself the grace of a two week vacation in Italy with my husband, visiting family and friends.

As important as this blog and my readers are to me I must allow myself to just be.

Let this post be a reminder to you to live your life. Enjoy the ones you love. Eat, drink and be merry. Live in the moment. Create goals but also bask in life while it is happening. Remember there are so many beautiful surprises awaiting you.

I will post again the Sunday after next.

 Until then, lots of love to you and Namaste.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Feeling Small & Loving it!

Have you ever sat down and taken a moment to be with what is and realize just how very tiny you are in this big and ancient universe. We throw the term universe around like we have an understanding of what it is but have you ever acknowledged it's infinite wisdom?

The earth is just one planet in our Milky Way Galaxy. Our Galaxy is just one of millions in the universe! There is no end to the universe as it is always expanding. Nothing ever dies. It just turns into something else.

So let's look at this from our tiny perspective. If we are a piece of life inside the universe we too are expanding and infinite. There are worlds upon worlds and we are just one tiny spec in it all. But for human sake lets look at planet Earth and how many galaxies are right here. We can start with our own body. One tiny cell in our body working to keep our body healthy... Would be the Sun and everything else around it would be working together as a Galaxy in one unit (our body, aka the universe). Or what about the Ocean, or the insects in the ground or the micro organisms that make up matter?! Have I lost you yet? These are all worlds of their own in their own Galaxy in this one great big universe! Think about how big we are compared to some of their worlds.

Check out this photo of an underground ant city...
Our brains need structure with beginnings and endings to comprehend things. So, to think about just how gigantic the universe is and just how small we are in it, is mind blowing. I think it's safe to say we are like micro organisms to the universe and I find this very comforting.

If this doesn't comfort you, you may be confused as to why it is to me. Let me tell you...

If I am such a tiny piece in the grand old universe, my problems and fears and anxieties are even tinier!! It brings me to a place of meaninglessness. What?! How is that comforting?!

If life is meaningless, then I get to pick the meaning!!

Are you still with me?

If there is no meaning then I get to choose it. By becoming nothing I can become anything. I am everything nothing and can find gratitude that my life exists. I am alive and so are you! Life is beautiful, abundant and infinite.

Those that believe in God may have trouble with this concept at first but God is infinite wisdom and unexplained, hence the universe. We may try to put God in a boxed structure to understand it but God may never be understood and can not be labeled as hard as we may try. The universe is God and we are humbled life from it's source. Obviously, one must choose what makes them feel best. These statements are not meant to be controversial but to connect us all inside this great big eternal space of love.

From a scientific frame of mind, when we die our energy and matter is recycled into something else but from a more spiritual place what is left is the legacy we leave behind. We are remembered by who we chose to be and how we made others feel. Your acts of kindness and love live on just as all the bad things do. It's up to us how we will impact the people in our lives and in consequence the world.

By choosing one act of kindness and love at a time we make an infinite impact.

Go ahead... Allow yourself to feel small so you can know just how big you really are. Feel humbled and grateful. You are a Star in your own Galaxy.

Namaste - The divine light in me honors the divine light in you.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

From My Tool Box to Yours

The new year has started and a lot of people are feeling fired up to take action in their New Years Resolutions but did you know only about 8% fulfill their resolutions at the end of the year and did you know that if you hit 50% of your goals your are considered successful at achieving them?

Here are a few tools for your tool box that can help you better achieve your new goals...

First set an intention for your year with one word. This word is your over all them for 2015 so that all your goals will fall under it.

Example: This year I have picked "Grace".
I am taking on lot of new projects in my career and personal life and I want to handle them all with grace while offering grace to myself and others.

Once you have created your intention/theme for the New Year it's time to start creating/writing your goals down.

Brain-storm ALL your ideas first with this question in mind... What would you do if you couldn't fail? Who would you be with? Where would you go? REMEMBER TO THINK BIG! How you are going to achieve them is not important. Only answer the questions above.

Think of your goals under these categories:
*Health (mind, body, spirit)

After you have put it all down on paper start to choose the ones you can't live without and pick 2-4 per category. Sometimes committing to goals can feel intimidating and we can be scared to write them down but remember you can change them any time. Also, I like to put at the end of my final sheet, "This or something better..." That way it opens you up to possibilities you may have never imagined.

On your final sheet you will organize the goals you've chosen under each category and write them as if they have already happened with a "by when" at the end of the sentence.

Example: I have run the Honolulu Full Marathon. By Dec 6, 2015

By writing it this way you are programming yourself of the experience before it has happened. Feel free to decorate your paper any way you choose and post it somewhere you and everyone in your home where you and everyone else can see it.

Last but not least... Don't forget to share your goals with everyone!! Ask other people about their goals and get inspired! You never know who may hold the key to open the door to your biggest dream.

This is your life. Be creative and have fun!