
Monday, December 16, 2013

My Favorite Things

What a perfect time of year to reflect on gratitude for the simple things in life that make us happy...

These are a few of My Favorite Things... (not in particular order)

1.  resting my head on my husbands chest and night and waking up to his face each morning.
2. Standing behind the curtain on stage and watching it open to the crowd
3. walking on a crisp autumn day watching squirrels
4. sipping on an iced vanilla coffee through a straw.
5. singing my heart out every night and playing dress up for a living
6. home cooked Italian meals by my husband while I set the table and sitting down to eat together   each day.
7. little girls with starry eyes that come to the show and give me a hug after.
8. sharing my own music with an intimate crowd.
9. taking long walks holding my husbands hand.
10. exploring foreign countries and making friends around the world
11. driving with the windows down with no where to go on a perfect sunny day
12. practicing head stands and hand stands on the grass in a park
13. my ukulele
14. making to do lists to organize my thoughts with color pens and highlighters
15. daily kisses and I love you's from my husband at random
16. taking photos of interesting fire hydrants
17. the autumn season and all that comes with it, colored leaves, pumpkins, cider...
18. yoga
19. treasure hunting in thrift shops
20. collecting costumes 2nd hand
21. good food, good wine, good music and great company
22. having my feet rubbed
23. candle light
24. magic
25. learning from nature
26. visiting with my family talking and playing cards together
27. traveling by train
28. John Mayer
29. listening to stories told by my elders
30. volunteering for local organizations with my husband

What are a few of your favorite things?